New soil cure clone deficiencies?

I know, I did'nt post pictures as I don't think it's a big deal as my question is'nt really directed at a specific deficiency. Anyway, I picked up a few clones of different strains that were a bit sad looking. They were in plastic cups and the soil they were in did'nt look too good, could have been miracle grow. Anyway Ive since transplanted and they have started new growth. I put them in ffof with a little added kelp meal. The new growth seems to be coming in a bit on the lime green side with veins darker green on a couple and purple veins on the others and some stems are purple as well. I havent added any nutes as the ffof should be enough. So my question is, could this be a deficiency from the previous soil that is working itself out and once the roots start penetrating the fresh ffof will they then start to improve with the nutrients that are in the ffof and start looking a healthier green?Thanks in advance.


Well-Known Member
no its not a prob as most new growth is always lighter then the older foliage. as for the purple stems it cood b from ur temps also cood b strain but from my exp clones will do that so its prtty normal nuttin to stress bout