New site layout! What do you like? What do you not like?


Well-Known Member
i agree mojo.. i'm not all crazy about the new layout as i REALLY hate new shit, hate learning anything new, etc, but at least the site is back up and running, no malware alerts, the likes are sort of working again, no time errors, etc etc..
it's like anything new, it's going to take some time to get used to it is all, but i for one am happy over all with all the work that has been done to the site, as god knows, it's been long needed.. i'm trying to look at the bright side of things instead of finding all the small things to bitch and moan about.. i know sunni and admin have been on a huge part of the day trying to help solve minor problems, and i appreciate all they do for us here..

i know how hard the past week has sucked playing gold miner and checking twatter every hour hoping to see some updates and hoping the site is back up, i can't bitch too much..
I like the layout mostly. I think the text could be smaller and the window size should be wider, but it seems to be running smoothly.

I ended up downloading gold miner and playing through on expert while the site was down. I've beat gold miner vegas on all difficulties. Fun game.


bud bootlegger
I like the layout mostly. I think the text could be smaller and the window size should be wider, but it seems to be running smoothly.

I ended up downloading gold miner and playing through on expert while the site was down. I've beat gold miner vegas on all difficulties. Fun game.
i don't hate it sir, it's just new like i said, and will take a bit of getting used to is all for me, and lol, yeah, gold miner was fun stuff.. :D


Well-Known Member
No multiquote function, that's a huge issue

I think the time and date of the post should be at the top of the post, above the text of the post, near the title (which is also missing :( )

Name of poster should be above their avatar

Rep of poster should be near/above their avatar

The posters name shouldn't break with their avatar, for example my name is 'Padawanbater2' and it shows on my screen as 'Padawanbat


Well-Known Member
No multiquote function, that's a huge issue

I think the time and date of the post should be at the top of the post, above the text of the post, near the title (which is also missing :( )

Name of poster should be above their avatar

Rep of poster should be near/above their avatar

The posters name shouldn't break with their avatar, for example my name is 'Padawanbater2' and it shows on my screen as 'Padawanbat
Holler at admin. He'll hook you up. Agree with function tweaks.


Well-Known Member
I wasn't notified of any change.

For me, I had to go to one of those F-ing captca pages, or whatever they were to make a post. Then, I went to my email for forum replies, and click, the site was down. I checked and checked again, still no RIU. A couple days later, I figure I'll see if it's up yet, and I have this new site to figure out.
A bunch of new stuff here, , a bunch of critical stuff gone missing, and eventually, through trial and error, or a good dose of "just deal with it" we'll figure it out.

What's up with the p0st count thing? I go see what a trophy is, find out I have none obv..., and see that there are trophies for getting like 10 "likes" or wahtever. Waitafuckingminit, I am supposed to have like 2,000 likes, where's my trophy, or cookie even???

Dirty Harry

Well-Known Member
This is my first visit since the site came back online. The #1 issue I have is the social networking links, Facebook, twitter, etc...I would never log on using s social network account, and I do not like the possibility that a post made here could end up "out there" on what ever social network for all to see...and forward...
And is shows I am a new member, and I am not. I have been around awhile (2008 )


Active Member
Not sure if this was discussed or not but i was getting a lot of warnings about this site from google when it was down. Warnings about malicious software being installed on computers. Should i be concerned?


Well-Known Member
Not sure if this was discussed or not but i was getting a lot of warnings about this site from google when it was down. Warnings about malicious software being installed on computers. Should i be concerned?
If you don't have proper anti malware software installed you should at least do so and scan. No need to be concerned about visiting riu at the moment though (new clean software).