new set up a few questions


Well-Known Member
first off new to the forum but not first time grower have 5 indoor grows under my belt. haveing 2 rooms one for veg and one flower. veg is 3x3 and the flour is 4x4. using a t5 with 20000 lumens and a 430 hps for flor might adds some more light later to flor, any one think thats not enough light ? i know i more wont hurt but dont want to buy more equip in not neccesary and energy bill. my secound question is about ventilation not talking cfm but i was going to do and intake and outake and a scruuber now for the scrubber do i T off the exhaust and run one half to the scrubber and the other out or have i missed something ? srry have search the forum and couldnt find a clean awnser

so any advice much apprciated thanks in advance>!!


Well-Known Member
If you are going by lumen theory that is not enough.... 16 square feet times a minimum of 5000 lumens per suare foot = 80,000 lumens.... change out the 430w hps with a 600w and you are ok but still not optimal ... add a 600w to the setup with 430w + t5 and you have ONE HELL of a system.



Well-Known Member
yea well i have a 55000 hps and i was going to add a t5 with 40000 lumen or upgrade but i more concerned with the ventilation any tips or does my ideas sound ok