New rules - new limits??


Well-Known Member

Does anyone know about the limit of 150g and the new med. mari. regs? It looks to me as though there will be a limit of this amount. It is referenced a couple of times in the new rule book ... just wondering if anyone else is reading it the same way I am.


there is a 150g limit per shipment. so if your prescription calls for 300g per month for example your supplier would facilitate a 150g shipment on the first on the month and a 150g shipment on the 15th of the month. I believe 150g is also the maxmium amount a patient is allowed to carry at any one time.


Well-Known Member
See, I didn't read it like a limit on the size if the shipment..I looked at it as the limit of the precsription. I maybe haven't got to the part about limits on the size of shipments.


Active Member
there is a 150g limit per shipment. so if your prescription calls for 300g per month for example your supplier would facilitate a 150g shipment on the first on the month and a 150g shipment on the 15th of the month. I believe 150g is also the maxmium amount a patient is allowed to carry at any one time.
This person knows what they're talking about.