don't be surprised.... by 2015 each & every dispensary will be required to shut doors and only the 334 tax paying STATE LICENSED recreational stores will remain open....Legally Dispensaries are not state approved or regulated....there will only be 334 stores... The City Council has passed zoning regulations for pot businesses that would require medical marijuana dispensaries to obtain a state license or stop doing business by 2015. A license that currently does not exist

The master plan is to make everyone buy from state run stores mabey give patients a tax break with use of patient id ###
Me thinks there is collusion between Feds, WA and Canada for they are making the same moves up north. I Think Medical Cannabis has been targeted as a threat to possible revenue for to the coffers of the government whom never met a tax they didn't like.
Essentially Medical patients will find themselves at the mercy of the governments greedy hoard of politicians and narc puppets whom they get their kickbacks too.
So essentially it is either state approved or (wink wink) state sanctioned by lack of enforcement for those who have the pull to grease the wheel more personally for those making the rules.
As patients we must unite as being singled out, if they though adds show republicans throwing granny of the cliff, wait till adds show LCB keeping medicine away from the infirm and those suffering.
As patients we must say ok to state regulating dispensaries, but there must be no sales tax on medicine.
My goal in my suggestion below is keep medical cannabis free from tax, free for the patient to grow and available and near low cost for those who need it and can't grow it. To bring integrity back to the MMJ community.
Government should collect payroll and business licencing taxes for dispensaries but not add a tax to medicine just for providing medicine to patients.
Home growers should be able to grow how ever much they can just as you can't sell or homemade beer or wine same applies to medical cannabis, though can donate to their favorite dispensary in the patient network.
Dispensaries should register with state oversight within a defined operating rules considered the patient network, patient network will allow individual dispensaries to network with themselves and their patients who grow and have excess. No commercial grows can participate, must be from medical approved patients growing from private residences. These patients info who are providing overage of medical cannabis will have their information protected and secured with severe penalties for wrongful disclosure. There will be a monthly limit set on possible donations and adjusted accordingly based on patients personal needs and those being meet who use the patient network of medical dispensaries. Patients who grow can trade raw material for finished products. Dispensaries operate on a non profit bases but still bills have to be paid. Patient networks dispensaries can sell overage to state for resale in state ran (LCB here is a hook for them) old liquor stores, this could fill the void that recreational cannabis can't fill with the limited producers licenses.
This should keep those who are taking advantage of MMJ community out back to selling the mass produced crap to the recreational market and will ensure only the best of the best is there for mmj patients, cause in the mmj community it is about inexpensive access to outstanding quality. MMJ patients will not take away state's revenue if state enforced a model like the one I propose, the excess from the patient network not consumed can be sold to state. No monies between patients and network changes hands only trade. Ie here is an ounce of my organic blue cheese, I'd to trade for some OG Kush. So there would be a 15% handling fee. I would get 15% less of an ounce of the OG Kush. Here is where the dispensary will work to keep it patients happy. The more trades they can produce will produce excess of raw product. Approved medical finished products by dispensaries in patient network will be assigned a uniform value from dispensary to dispensary. The medical home grower excess can be traded for finished products.
So okay what about those patients who can't grow, they can apply at dispensary to gain access, since they have nothing to trade. They can purchase at rate state will buy back excess per gram from dispensary. State will not buy back a higher rate then it can operate and compete with private recreational stores.
Anywise I am sure there are some things I have not considered but I am sure if we kept undocumented profit (15% raw material fee collected when trading for different medical products) As records are kept what is received what goes out and as long as they match and it shows for each transaction the 15% was not breached then LCB should be happy as well as what is sold $$ to patients that have nothing to trade based on cost (state would buy back for). Then dispensaries become a trading post able to pay its bills to employees and keep the lights on. It just depends on how well they can establish a customer base.
Feedback appreciated good or bad, I just think we must offer something before they take the whole thing away as it is and were left at the mercy of bureaucrats.