Reminds me of that South Park episode where dude is bouncing around on his giant balls. Nice job setting up that grow, I’d love to be in florida just waiting on some laws to change. Here it’s currently a ticket for up to 200 plants and we can legally do 72. I’d get those doors sealed up before someone who shouldn’t notices. I’d build a little entry door off that one so when you open the door no light shines into yard. Maybe try to hide the condensers with landscaping of some kind, maybe some lattice with Vines or something like that.
Build out looks good, not sure if you painted your spray foam insulation yet but if you haven’t you should. Light will break it down after a while and it will turn a darker yellow and get weaker and start being brittle and eventually start getting little pieces all over.
I came from state where it wasn’t legal. So I’ve hidden my fair share of rooms but was always in a house where easier to hide.
Oh and as far as dealing the door, I took mine off the track and screwed the panels in place so there was no gaps. Then Just had it spray foamed over. It will never function as a garage door so if decide to change it later I’d have to cut it out with a saw and install new door. But being in florida you got bugs all year around so no only security reasons but need it sealed for IPM as well.
I’d keep an extra pair of shoes in the entry way I was talking about if you decide to build that. And maybe even a Tyvek suit, as bugs down there are no joke.
Yes, fortunately for me my grow is legal seeing its hemp. I had it spray foamed then put up sheets of white insulation over it.
I hate the garage door honestly but feel like I may need to use it in the future so I'm going to try to use some rolls of door foam and see if that works. The panels themselves I put sheets of foam in and that seems to work good.
As far as people knowing and seeing it's not a big deal. We are in a property with one way in and one way out so no chances of people just coming by.
Not to mention the state of Florida are dicks and publicly publish a list with all licensed growers address, phone number, email address. Not sure why they do it but it sucks the amount of calls and emails we get.
Bugs do suck here bad and I've had to deal with every kind there is. I just released 3000 ladybugs, 2000 lacewings and 2000 preying mantis in there and hope they do their job well.