new purple power


Active Member
i grow cos im in ireland and it will take are cold wetter climate but the other poster is right thc content only 10%max so you dont get a madstony high and just another thing im not jacking this thread but i grew greenhouse ams anti mould strain one of one purple power and two big bud all r three weeks from harvest about 6ft tall except the ams as it had to be harvested cos it was covered in mould all other plants r thriving any one herd of this strain or this problem all plants fed same quantitys of feed


~ Out-Dawrz ~ Moderator ~
My purple power plants are finishing up, I have pics on my profile of them, covored in trich's picked a bit early befor it started to change color as it is at the moment and it tastes wonderful and is an awsome high. Ive had nothing but thumbs up from all my buddies. I will have pics of trimmed buds when I harvest. Its limbs are taken over by glistening massive thick "not airy" buds grown out doors. started end of march, a few plants will finish end of oct other 3 girls will be begining of nov probly. Wonderful Strain Give her a shot. Be Easy


Active Member
I think they say its moderate because normally the seeds are very small, and always take special germination tttttactics.

I popped 20 NPP and they are doing great,

I would say they popped in 72 hours, showed cotys in 6 days, and now are at 8 days, so I will put a trials on this site since I have come from another site.


Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
I think they say its moderate because normally the seeds are very small, and always take special germination tttttactics.

I popped 20 NPP and they are doing great,

I would say they popped in 72 hours, showed cotys in 6 days, and now are at 8 days, so I will put a trials on this site since I have come from another site.

you right on the size of the seeds, they are pretty damn small..
yes Mark. I wouldn't worry about it too much. If you have had some experience with growing before you should be fine. They say it is an "outdoor" strain, but I have been growing some indoors as well as out. The purple pwers I have outdoors I started in about june as seeds in those little peat cups. As of right now it is about six feet tall with many buds that have heavy trichome production. Keep in mind though, I started a few other strains around the same time that are about 12 feet as of now. Mine the ones I am growing have strains of purple, but aren't really purple. They smell sweet. The PP I am growing indoors are still in the vegetative cycle. I had a problem with the last set of clones I tried to produce, but it could be a result of grower error. I won't know until I try to clone another set. I will keep you posted.