New pot, New Problem.


Well-Known Member
Moved my 8 day old plant to a bigger pot friday night as i figured it would be better to do it while she is still small.

Well today i noticed some of the leafs were turning brown, i have just left it hoping it is just because of the shock and will sort itself out.

What you think?

EDIT: you can also see around the tips of the plant it is shiny (cant really explain) what is this? Is it the start of resin buildup already?



Well-Known Member
You haven't feed it any nutes yet? If so then it looks like it could be nute burn. No nutes till at least 3 weeks old then only 1/2 strength.. But It also looks like it might be getting burned from the lights to close also.Not sure what the shiny look is.. f you have any Super Thrive give them some of that I find that always does wonders for transplant shock.


Well-Known Member
Yeah i no it looks like nute burn :) but no nutes have been added yet lol

Fingers crossed it gets better.