New plant clone


Well-Known Member
Just brought my clone home from store. its female clone been under 24 light until i brought it home its had 12 hours darkness already what should i do i need to figure out i guess before lights out tonight so i can set timer appropriately


Do u want to veg her for a wyle?
if not u can start blooming her under 12/12 light schedule
veg is 18/6 or atleast 18hrs of light
It all depends on wat type of grow ur going for


Well-Known Member
It sounds like you're in over your head.. probably jumping the gun if you're buying a clone but don't know or have a lighting schedule ready.

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Well-Known Member
I have others growing i just got this girl well because i could. lol first clone all others been seed


Just do whatever your doing with the others. 24 hrs of dark resets their clock. One day with 12 hours of dark doesn't do anything so you can do whatever you want. Just don't screw with it too much - try not to mess up its clock - light stress could turn her hermie.


Well-Known Member
Flower it for a a week or two to see what sex it is and then decide what you want to do with it. (how are you sure it is a female?)