New pistils


Well-Known Member
Auto near end threw many new white pistils. Those new pistils now turning and receding. Getting close?


Well-Known Member
You don't have to wait for lights on to take a pic. Either turn on the lights for a second or use a won't hurt anything.


Well-Known Member
I'll post pics this afternoon. Guess I should have posed question differently. Is it normal for a plant nearing harvest to throw out many new white pistils and can I expect another wave of them? Am 10 weeks in on this plant. I know it's nearing harvest but the explosion of new pistils threw me. Have 2 lights in tent....HLG 300l Rspec and Vipar reflector series 600. Have rotated 3 plants under these lights and decided to put this one, the closest to being ready, under the Vipar until ready. Same PPFD, same DLI, but it threw the pistils after putting under Vipar.


Well-Known Member
Some strains will keep spitting out white pistils even after being done. But you saying its only 10 weeks old, makes me think you need at least 2-3 more weeks. Usually breeder times are from when it start flowering, but the flower doesn't have a calendar. It will be done when its done. But yeah would like to see the pictures, just to give you a better idea.


Well-Known Member
Thanks altaran. Will get photos later. This is a MSNL acapulco gold auto. Nine weeks and 4 days. MSNL says 8-10 weeks but I know breeders times usually mean perfect conditions, which I can't replicate, so I'm expecting 12 weeks or so. New white pistils didn't stay white but 3-4 days before they started turning and shrinking.


Well-Known Member
Looks like normal pistol throwing to me. Still looks like its got some plumping to do. 2-3 weeks still stands. :-)