New piece for dabbing, recommendations?


Well-Known Member
Im new to dabbing in a sense that I have not bought a proper rig for it yet. My preference is to just get something to get started but my knowledge of dab rigs is that they range from the e nail to a swing arm rig to the nail which can either be ceramic or titanium. The one thing I wish to point out is the nail rigs seem to be best suited for a rookie, best to start cheap but suppose someone else wants to point out any error of my ways? Feel free to let me know, all in all Id rather not spend more than 100 bucks for everything necessary since I dab on a very low occasion. Thanks!
i dont do a lot of glass pieces but have you looked in the Dr. Dabbler....i think thats the name of the vape pen... they are designed to heat slow so it doesnt fry to wax or heat it quickly. it gives a much deeper cleaner smoke imop
Thats cool! I recently just bought a v hit globe piece for dabbing with an e cig battery on the run. but Im looking for a glass piece that is better suited for when I can take the time to do it. Also the practical paet of this is to educate myself on how a rig works
without having to break the bank.
I just want to just find a mode of dabbing that would work and buy near me not online. Its a bit touch and go ordering things online for me since stuff doesn't stay safe. Anyways thanks for your input!
Possibly will end up going a generic way but info is definitely worth knowing what the glass could be or nail or whatever helps.
Ive found ceramic nails to work very well (best tasting) but in my recent times ive relied on my d-nail with sapphire insert, i already have enough fun with the torch melting glass.
I get a whole bunch of :i dont like the ceramic "but they just don't give reasons. Probably never tried it and just lied to me. I ended up getting a small import rig but theres no point in making this the last one i will buy.
There are a lot of cool, nails out there right now. Honeybuckets, sidewinders, domeless. I'm a big fan of titanium, just from the durability. This is a fun time to be dabbing.
+1 mucho Titanium is great for longevity thats why i run titanium valve spring retainers on my high rpm machines. Most people dont like to bring up the fact that they torch one side of the ceramic its whole life and it ends up cracking and burning their pantleg and or leg lol.
I would have grabbed a titanium piece but I hear about the titanium coating that comes with use and the contact with air in general. Does that happen to you guys? I wondered what you can do if it does happen?

Well let me start by telling you what it is not. Titanium oxide is not an off gas nor a vapor. It is that white, chalky substance on the inside of your nail or on the outside of your pad. It is created when oxygen reacts with the titanium creating a thin oxide layer on the outside of the metal. The hotter you get your titanium the more readily it reacts with the oxygen in the air and subsequently the faster it oxidizes. When you see your titanium changing blue, purple, and gold in the open flame, this is also a result of the oxidation process

Oxidation is a natural occurring process in many elements and it can happen in the open air. All of your titanium is reacting with the oxygen right now, creating a small protective oxide layer which helps protect it from further reactions to air or water. When the oxide layer first forms it is about 1-2 nm thick, but it will continue to grow to 25 nm thick in open air during four years time. Continually heating the titanium increases how fast and thick the layer builds
Apparently this takes a Lot of dabbing and constant high heat just to get the oxidation to happen but it also happens as it just sits. Titanium is a lot like magnesium which oxidizes in open air, the same goes for Aluminum next to salt water or air from such an area. I honestly chose quartz but only as a starter to which dabbing as a whole is still a new concept to me. Watching people take dabs the size of quarters and laffy taffies are beyond my reach. Although they could be cbd rich and barely any thc as well couldn't they? Depends on the patient of course and no offense to them, I just see it as something simply outrageous.
I may get around to this in the near future if I'm going to dab a bit more into dabbing. I got the rig down but it was an import so you never know how long that one will last. I appreciate the sage advice, looking for simplicity and longevity with moderation in use.
I like small bubblers like this, but with a ceramic nail. I'm in the market for one..just cracked mine..:cry:
I would not recommend DHGate, you get terrible customer service through them, really none at all. They do zero quality control and will send you pretty much anything. You will get no pity if your package is lost or broken in the mail. You are much better off dealing with a company operating out of the states that will provide you at least some customer service.

theyre no9t too bad man... theyre cheeky if things go wrong but you just gotta be persistent. Lol you just gotta learn to speak to the chinese tbh. out here in europe its pretty smooth, ive had a coupel of fuck ups from them but they send new shit. My experience anyhow
theyre no9t too bad man... theyre cheeky if things go wrong but you just gotta be persistent. Lol you just gotta learn to speak to the chinese tbh. out here in europe its pretty smooth, ive had a coupel of fuck ups from them but they send new shit. My experience anyhow
Ok I will go out on a limb here to show why this may be right. I had a piece in mind at this convenience store and liked it but I went around town to find some other equipment for it. I bought a Quartz nail and the shroud for it. When I went back to make a purchase, the guy at the counter wouldn't let me see it. He said this section of the store is different. I was flabbergasted. It was only a few hours to the time I checked this thing out and went back....and got declined. These stores are often run by Chinese, Korean, or Indian but his response was on the outrageous side. The pieces I saw were actually very nice pieces, made from a reputable company and were cheap for their originals elsewhere. I ended up buying something else of course but the story ends here that either I was better off finding something else simple or ...acknowledging that some people don't want to sell certain things. It was really odd..
Well we offer excellent customer service, a phenomenal return and refund policy, and all of our operations are right here in The United States in Savannah, Ga. We have an excellent rewards program and have sales on a regular basis, there are tons of other perks as well, like our customer service hotline where you can speak to people well educated about glass and they are in Savannah, Ga! We offer scientific and heady glass of all brands, you will be really happy to see our website is very easy to navigate and any questions you have can probably be answered in our knowledge base section,, so please check us out at