New oxygen technology in RDWC DWC pot grows

Do you believe "low oxygen"events causes fungal outbreaks in RDWC DWC?

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Oh hey, this link also explains why salts precipitate out of solution and some of the side reactions that occur. lol this is so funny. You're about 1/2 way through the earth the hole you dug yourself is so deep

HAHAHAHAHAHA I totally missed where you said "I just went to that website" (o2grow) when the first time you posted about it was over a year ago AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH

You must be their head of marketing too since your head is stuffed so far up your ass you can't see the truth.
Are you a grower?....And Myasthenias Gravis (autoimmune disease) kind of makes having a job hard, along with the immuno-suppressant therapy administered for it., I don't have a job? Lol now answer my question. Are you a grower? Like, are you growing pot?
P.S. You making personal attacks to avoid my primary question does make me come back...human nature.
Your MG sounds quiet advanced. When was your last pulmonary function test; what was your maximum inspiratory pressure, FEV1, FEV3?
Eureka! Now you cooking, you finally got your real feelings out, I bet you feel a lot better now, been tied up in a knot about this thread for days. Your been boiling and upset because you think even the cheapest little O2Grow rig cost too much, at least too much for you.
I am chuckling out loud reading this. Yep, I'm laughing at you Bud...

Oh, by the way, the O2 Grow device does not use tin oxide anodes.
Eureka! Now you cooking, you finally got your real feelings out, I bet you feel a lot better now, been tied up in a knot about this thread for days. Your been boiling and upset because you think even the cheapest little O2Grow rig cost too much, at least too much for you.
I am chuckling out loud reading this. Yep, I'm laughing at you Bud...

Oh, by the way, the O2 Grow device does not use tin oxide anodes.

Now I know you're retarded.

Cathode anode composition doesn't matter, all known alloys produce undesirable byproducts (ozone)

HAHAHAHA. J Henry is so mad
I think you put the wrong name said I tried posting that earlier over the product I was promoting...I don't promote any product. And I do not grow organics. Nor does it fit the literature pattern of all of my 250+ posts on this site (cursing, personal attacks/character assasination, or even punctuation)...
I was talking about Henry's product. I just like the post about the hydrogen discharge into the air I think you posted in regards to one of his posts. New to the site could be mixing up names or quoting the wrong person. I know you grow with chemically derived nutes GH I think you said. I know you do not premots or sell any items here. Also know you don't grow organic. Sorry for the confusion.
When your electrolyte (nutrient solution) has sodium in it, it can create chlorine...
Oh Really, is that right?
Now how in the world can you split off Cl gas electrolyzing water that contains Na. I bet you failed basic Jr. High School chemistry. You got to be kidding me or you’re confused again today. I am really laughing at you now, my side hurts I’m laughing so hard.
Oh Really, is that right?
Now how in the world can you split off Cl gas electrolyzing water that contains Na. I bet you failed basic Jr. High School chemistry. You got to be kidding me or you’re confused again today. I am really laughing at you now, my side hurts I’m laughing so hard.

You can read that link that I just posted. It explains that chemical process specifically. Guess you fail at life.
Oh Really, is that right?
Now how in the world can you split off Cl gas electrolyzing water that contains Na. I bet you failed basic Jr. High School chemistry. You got to be kidding me or you’re confused again today. I am really laughing at you now, my side hurts I’m laughing so hard.

There is another link, commercial chlorine production using salt and water.

lol you're making this so easy for me
Your MG sounds quiet advanced. When was your last pulmonary function test; what was your maximum inspiratory pressure, FEV1, FEV3?
Inspiratory?...Really?...My last respiratory test was over 30 days ago, 60 days ago I had a sternotomy to remove the thymus. I'm only 21 years old, so it is quite an advanced state for the best MG treatment facility in the United States (UVA of Virginia; birthplace of MG's discovery) to tell me if I did not have the surgery, I would never work again, and even if I did have the surgery, I had a 50-70% chance of going into some form of remission; in which would be the only instance I could work anything beyond a class desk (am still in college nevertheless). Ontop of that, the results of the surgery can/will take up to four years to actually take full effect. So, for an esteemed cardiac surgeon to recommend open chest surgery to a 21 year old kid (me), yes I would consider that quite an advanced case of MG.
Now; You've evaded this question 3 times. Are you, Jhenry, a grower of cannabis? Just a yes or a no.
...commercial chlorine production using salt and water.

You are quiet a little word manipulator and oh so smooth with that classic “Pivot." Now you changed your story, that electrolyzed water must contain more than just sodium to produce chlorine. Now the electrolyzed water must contain salt, like common table salt (NaCl) to make chlorine via electrolysis. Now that’s a PIVOT!
That chlorine gas is great for killing microbes. It was also popular in WW I, causes fulminating pulmonary edema, a bad, bad way to die.

A few minutes ago you shot-off a mindless bold statement saying, “When your electrolyte (nutrient solution) has sodium in it, it can create chlorine…” That’s really a dumb statement, of course that won’t work and will never work… no Cl with the Na.

I know no fools that would ever add salt (NaCl) to their res water and electrolyze the water even to increase the DO Sat and effectively killed all the microbes.

I believe you’ve smoked way to much dope this evening, your confused and will certainly get no boom-boom tonight.
You are quiet a little word manipulator and oh so smooth with that classic “Pivot." Now you changed your story, that electrolyzed water must contain more than just sodium to produce chlorine. Now the electrolyzed water must contain salt, like common table salt (NaCl) to make chlorine via electrolysis. Now that’s a PIVOT!
That chlorine gas is great for killing microbes. It was also popular in WW I, causes fulminating pulmonary edema, a bad, bad way to die.

A few minutes ago you shot-off a mindless bold statement saying, “When your electrolyte (nutrient solution) has sodium in it, it can create chlorine…” That’s really a dumb statement, of course that won’t work and will never work… no Cl with the Na.

I know no fools that would ever add salt (NaCl) to their res water and electrolyze the water even to increase the DO Sat and effectively killed all the microbes.

I believe you’ve smoked way to much dope this evening, your confused and will certainly get no boom-boom tonight.
Stop changing the subject. Are you a grower? This would make at least the 3rd, I think maybe the fourth, time I've asked this.
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You are quiet a little word manipulator and oh so smooth with that classic “Pivot." Now you changed your story, that electrolyzed water must contain more than just sodium to produce chlorine. Now the electrolyzed water must contain salt, like common table salt (NaCl) to make chlorine via electrolysis. Now that’s a PIVOT!
That chlorine gas is great for killing microbes. It was also popular in WW I, causes fulminating pulmonary edema, a bad, bad way to die.

A few minutes ago you shot-off a mindless bold statement saying, “When your electrolyte (nutrient solution) has sodium in it, it can create chlorine…” That’s really a dumb statement, of course that won’t work and will never work… no Cl with the Na.

I know no fools that would ever add salt (NaCl) to their res water and electrolyze the water even to increase the DO Sat and effectively killed all the microbes.

I believe you’ve smoked way to much dope this evening, your confused and will certainly get no boom-boom tonight.

You apparently can't read. The chemical process is quite clear, I really can't spell it out for you anymore. Guess you're just too stupid to understand. Sad.
I was talking about Henry's product. I just like the post about the hydrogen discharge into the air I think you posted in regards to one of his posts. New to the site could be mixing up names or quoting the wrong person. I know you grow with chemically derived nutes GH I think you said. I know you do not premots or sell any items here. Also know you don't grow organic. Sorry for the confusion.
It's all good bud, just making sure...perhaps I'm just grouchy today? Lol, my apologies man.
You are quiet a little word manipulator and oh so smooth with that classic “Pivot." Now you changed your story, that electrolyzed water must contain more than just sodium to produce chlorine. Now the electrolyzed water must contain salt, like common table salt (NaCl) to make chlorine via electrolysis. Now that’s a PIVOT!
That chlorine gas is great for killing microbes. It was also popular in WW I, causes fulminating pulmonary edema, a bad, bad way to die.

A few minutes ago you shot-off a mindless bold statement saying, “When your electrolyte (nutrient solution) has sodium in it, it can create chlorine…” That’s really a dumb statement, of course that won’t work and will never work… no Cl with the Na.

I know no fools that would ever add salt (NaCl) to their res water and electrolyze the water even to increase the DO Sat and effectively killed all the microbes.

I believe you’ve smoked way to much dope this evening, your confused and will certainly get no boom-boom tonight.

Lol. You should do a little bit of research before you argue with someone who is much smarter than you.
It doesn't matter what's in the water when you electrolyse it. Any trace elements will react. That's where the precipitates come from, some are more toxic than others.

Since your company didn't bother to research any of this like at all, water treatment with electrolysis as an antimicrobial step (ozone is good at killing bacteria) is typically very pure for the above reason.
Now; You've evaded this question 3 times. Are you, Jhenry, a grower of cannabis? Just a yes or a no.
No, absolutely not today, or tomorrow or this week, because that is not a very wise thing to put on the internet in the State where I live. In the Baptist Belt of America many upstanding voters, politicians, preachers and school teachers are really opposed to recreational pot doping, growing dope, medical dope... any kind of dope. I anticipate no changes in attitudes or State Laws this year and Big Brother is always watching and listening. It's not paranoia it's just how it is in... my State today, that's all.
I am in the bible belt, have been on this site for 3 no, you don't grow, and that's your best excuse as to why you won't admit whether or not you do. I'm from a law enforcement family, and that my friend, is a 100% pure excuse to not answer my question.
Or you are having issues with paranoia and distinguishing reality from your thoughts if you actually believe the government is about to raid your house over conversations on a public forum about growing weed...LOL.
I can put it in a much less "illegal" way to make it more comftorble for you you operate a hydroponic system? "Big brother" can not use that as evidence of any wrongdoings and hydroponic farming is quite common in the US; so to refuse to answer is a confirmation that you don't grow anything but the grass in your yard.
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