New outdoor grower in maryland

Diesel D

Hey everybody this is gonna be my first grow, I'm in mayland and I was wondering what would be the best strain to use in the area. Also I can start it indoors for a really short amount of time, like a week cause I still live with the rents. But ya when's the best time to plant and all that jaz? Any advice is welcome thanks

farm dawg

I don't live in Maryland, but I usually put my plants out at the end of may or early june. Or whenever the weather permits. I wouldn't plant any sativas out there. Go with Indicas, Or indica crosses with mostly Indica. or you can go with the auto flowering varieties.

Diesel D

Are feminized seeds good to use, cause I've heard some work and some don't, and what are autoflowering? would you recommend starting them outdoors, cause I really don't wanna do it in the house.

farm dawg

I recommend starting them inside under flourescents. But if you don't want to there is no reason you can't start them outdoor. i would germinate the seeds indoor at least. I've heard mixed reviews on feminized seeds. It depends on where you get them. B4 buying feminized seeds research on the internet first, find out what other people are saying and where they got their fiminized seeds and then go with a company that has a good rep. on their feminized seeds. Autoflowering plant's start flowering immediately after they go into veg. and harvest early. it is just an option because maryland is up north and i'm not sure how long of a growing season you have. You don't want to grow a crop and then loose it because you couldn't havest in time.