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Well-Known Member
Hey all, not a first time member in fact been around for awhile in the nosebleeds. Went from poster to lurker and now I'm back and much more mature and better then ever. After about three years I realise my dreams are still my dreams and my state is still just as unforgiving. My wife and I are preparing to sell alotta valuables and save what money we can to move to the only place we have dreamed of for awhile 4+ years, Colorado. I have been told I got work in Oregon if I choose to head there but the mountains have been calling me. Anybody else feel the same way before they moved? I have bounced around the Midwest and never been happy anywhere this time we are planning on the final touchdown no going back. We haven't told any family as not to upset them so I guess I'm venting to you guys. Anyone care to share their inspiring true stories or even any struggles, dreams, or experiences that made them who they are today by following their hearts and personal goals against all odds and judgement.


Well-Known Member
Oregon has beautiful mountains are you kidding me?. I live in Colorado and its so over saturated.
Only been there once up near Washington and it WAS beautiful. Stood onmcliffs looking down on the ocean. I guess I didn't realise they had mountains such as the rockies in Oregon but I haven't been there in about 10-12 years and been outta school for aslong. Where about do you live at in Colorado and how do you feel its over saturated. Any and all opinions welcomed. Denver or Colorado Springs is what I have been looking into. Been told I got work up in Bend, Oregon but the pay isnt all that to begin with...


Well-Known Member
I see, that's something I was worried about. Little pay is MUCH better then none. My plan was to hit up temp agencys like crazy the very first day I arrived in Colorado to atleast have some sort of income. Do you guys get drug tested for THC when applying for most jobs still?


Well-Known Member
I see, that's something I was worried about. Little pay is MUCH better then none. My plan was to hit up temp agencys like crazy the very first day I arrived in Colorado to atleast have some sort of income. Do you guys get drug tested for THC when applying for most jobs still?
yes lol. the typical jobs dont drug test : restuarant, bar, construction (you get hurt you get tested), police, politician, preacher , lol...well you get the idea;)


Well-Known Member
Thanks alotta valuable info already, Im just an average typical guy so an average typical job for me. It was a major concern though whether or not the typical job would UA me and turn me down for THC. Though I have gotten around this my entire life anyway lol. Kinda sketched about coastal places but Oregon does sound nice.

Chunky Stool

Well-Known Member
I am from the Midwest and now live in WA. It is great here! I don't buy weed anymore but a buddy told me that it's gotten cheap, $7-10/g.
If you're a grower and plan to sell your extra dry flower, top shelf is the only thing that moves. Wholesale price is $400-500/qp.


Well-Known Member
Hey all, not a first time member in fact been around for awhile in the nosebleeds. Went from poster to lurker and now I'm back and much more mature and better then ever. After about three years I realise my dreams are still my dreams and my state is still just as unforgiving. My wife and I are preparing to sell alotta valuables and save what money we can to move to the only place we have dreamed of for awhile 4+ years, Colorado. I have been told I got work in Oregon if I choose to head there but the mountains have been calling me. Anybody else feel the same way before they moved? I have bounced around the Midwest and never been happy anywhere this time we are planning on the final touchdown no going back. We haven't told any family as not to upset them so I guess I'm venting to you guys. Anyone care to share their inspiring true stories or even any struggles, dreams, or experiences that made them who they are today by following their hearts and personal goals against all odds and judgement.
I moved from Iowa about 24 years ago. Moved to take a job in NV and now I don't even want to visit that POS state. The Midwest is really boring with the long winters and rainy ass summers. Need I go on?


Well-Known Member
I moved from Iowa about 24 years ago. Moved to take a job in NV and now I don't even want to visit that POS state. The Midwest is really boring with the long winters and rainy ass summers. Need I go on?
Born in Iowa, dad still lives in Des Moines. I been down in Missouri for more then half my life and hate it anymore.


Well-Known Member
I am from the Midwest and now live in WA. It is great here! I don't buy weed anymore but a buddy told me that it's gotten cheap, $7-10/g.
If you're a grower and plan to sell your extra dry flower, top shelf is the only thing that moves. Wholesale price is $400-500/qp.
Whole units for 2k ouch... None the less it would be mainly grow to support my own smoking habits. I figure everyone has everything locked down in terms of running the market I would be no competition. But to perfect my craft and run the new hot and best products and possibly make my own is the dream. Everybody here will smoke and joint with ya and tell you your a bad parent cuz u partake at the same time so hippocritical an annoying and to live in fear for something that is not criminal is sonridiculous.

Olive Drab Green

Well-Known Member
You still there? What was the cost of living like in your opinion.
Well, for one, there's like a colony or a hundred of homeless people out there, so I'd imagine pretty high, but if you get a job with a garden or company or something, I'd imagine you'd be alright.


Well-Known Member
Well, for one, there's like a colony or a hundred of homeless people out there, so I'd imagine pretty high, but if you get a job with a garden or company or something, I'd imagine you'd be alright.
I always got construction, hardwood floors, roofing, and more to fall back on but my back troubles me so much anymore it for sure wouldn't be a long term thing. I refuse to loose and don't plan on joining the homeless pop. we have alot here with big camps hidden around.


Well-Known Member
The winters are pretty unforgiving, but people care about each other out there. It's very progressive.
That's what I'm talking about! So much negativity around here, hate, murders, robbers, gangs, its just like everybody wants everybody to suffer because they suffer so its just an endless cycle of shittyness. I love the winter, I blame it on being second generation american. GMA and Gpa were from Canada.


Well-Known Member
Never seen another place like it, man. Things are pretty benevolent out there.
For sure, that's the point of our move make life better for EVERYONE in the household. A newer more quiet and peaceful life. I realise there is bad everywhere but we intend on not having to know the local bad crowd anywhere we go. The ol lady and I just hang out after work watch HBO shows or play games with the boy and go to bed no time for haters just love and good vibes.