New nivarna autoflowers!

Covert Ops

Well-Known Member
Im a fan of autoflowers...but have had sum pretty dull smoke from them in the past.

So i log onto the nirvana seedbank, and there announcing new autoflowers in Blue Mystic, Northern Lights, bubblelicious and jock horror. I dont think any other seedbank has these in autoflower?

So anybody got any info or thoughts on em? i.e. do you rekon the northern lights will still be a top class smoke and low odour? if so thats sum damn good work! =D :leaf::leaf::leaf:

Covert Ops

Well-Known Member
yeah auto's r pretty sweet, but some people dont think there as potent as regular photoperiod.

it states the flowering period for northern lights is 9 - 11 its pretty long compared to sum autoflowers (8 weeks from seed)

do you think these auto's wud be better than a simple 12/12 from seed? cos from a 12/12 from seed N.L yeilds pretty well in the same amount of time...


Well-Known Member
Becuase of their short lived veg stage and fast flowering stage I would not shorten the time less than 20hrs of light. The dark period is when the roots take off and grow man grow.

Covert Ops

Well-Known Member
yeah i realise that. but do you think the autoflower northern lights will yeild more than a regular northern lights on a 12/12 photoperiod from seed. because they will both take about 10 weeks to finish.


Well-Known Member
I have not shopped with them for years being they have a slim selections of strains. I have going through The Attitude .