New Mexican President


Active Member
Seriously? He said the legalization of cannabis in America is a bad hing because it is a gateway drug? Seriously? Fucking bullshit! That is such old bullshit! A bunch of lies. How many sick people who use cannabis to treat themselves start using crack?! How many! Huh!? And how many fucking pills are out there getting abused and are legal?! Gateway drug!?!? Cannabis is at the top of the list as the most dangerous drug according to the federals of America...but other real harmful shit is at the bottom and is never regarded as a gateway drug...marijuana is the only drug that leads to others? BULLSHIT. This type of backwards thinking is sickening, its backwards with stupidity and ignorance of the real facts. Ghosts believing other ghosts. Its all fake. Cannabis is not a gateway drug. If it is, then so is caffeine and alcohol! And they are not even on the list of graded harmful drugs!!! Seriously! Oh but less drugs out there the better we want people to be healthier?! Thats not the truth. Look at all the lives that are being saved because of cannabis. Look at all the people who are making the right example in all the states that have made it legal. I cannot believe people are still spreading outdated lies that have been gathering dust since they first were invented in the 30's. Dont give up. Know when to say no to the lies. Be honest and respectful. Tell people the truth. It is not a gateway drug, it saves lives. People will find ways to abuse everything and anything, to blame cannabis and ignore the benefits and potential is old age thinking and does more harm to our society than good. Cmon President of Mexico, start doing more research on the lives of american cannabis patients...maybe you will learn more than you think! LOVE!


Well-Known Member
Seriously? He said the legalization of cannabis in America is a bad hing because it is a gateway drug? Seriously? Fucking bullshit! That is such old bullshit! A bunch of lies. How many sick people who use cannabis to treat themselves start using crack?! How many! Huh!? And how many fucking pills are out there getting abused and are legal?! Gateway drug!?!? Cannabis is at the top of the list as the most dangerous drug according to the federals of America...but other real harmful shit is at the bottom and is never regarded as a gateway drug...marijuana is the only drug that leads to others? BULLSHIT. This type of backwards thinking is sickening, its backwards with stupidity and ignorance of the real facts. Ghosts believing other ghosts. Its all fake. Cannabis is not a gateway drug. If it is, then so is caffeine and alcohol! And they are not even on the list of graded harmful drugs!!! Seriously! Oh but less drugs out there the better we want people to be healthier?! Thats not the truth. Look at all the lives that are being saved because of cannabis. Look at all the people who are making the right example in all the states that have made it legal. I cannot believe people are still spreading outdated lies that have been gathering dust since they first were invented in the 30's. Dont give up. Know when to say no to the lies. Be honest and respectful. Tell people the truth. It is not a gateway drug, it saves lives. People will find ways to abuse everything and anything, to blame cannabis and ignore the benefits and potential is old age thinking and does more harm to our society than good. Cmon President of Mexico, start doing more research on the lives of american cannabis patients...maybe you will learn more than you think! LOVE!
LOL he about had an aneurysm when CO and WA passed their form of legalization. He even went as far as a mild threat at giving smugglers free rein. Then promptly went whining to the UN, legalizing would ease the burden on the violence there so this has to purely be money or spite.


Ursus marijanus
LOL he about had an aneurysm when CO and WA passed their form of legalization. He even went as far as a mild threat at giving smugglers free rein. Then promptly went whining to the UN, legalizing would ease the burden on the violence there so this has to purely be money or spite.
And since spite won't pay the berthing fees in Monaco ... cn


Well-Known Member
I would also like to add "gateway" has always sounded like an excuse to me. Its like saying "well it isn't that bad but it can lead to worse". The truth is the only correlation that cannabis has to harder drugs is black market dealers. Powdered or cubed drugs have a higher addiction rate and much more profitable to make large scale. A large percentage (from my area at least) deal with almost all drugs so kids that want to get high also get introduced to harder drugs. MMJ was the first step to separate the cannabis community from the stigma and so far has been a success now CO and WA have opened up phase two and when the ignorant people realize you take cannabis out of the black market it will lose it's gateway effect. After that it will be all about money.


Active Member
For me alcohol was the first no no thing I tried. I remember when I was 10, I would go into the fridge and open up cold can of red, white and blue and take a big swig and leave the rest. To say a certain drugs will lead to harsher drugs isn't completely true. But I do think it is partially true. Their are other factors, such as education, upbringing and friends. If you have friends that just smoke weed, chances are you are just going to smoke weed. But if you have friends that smoke weed, then all of a sudden a couple of your friends introduce some tabs of acid to the group, I think you are more likely to try it. Some friends might split off and stay with weed and others will indulge in harsher drugs. Most of the friends that I had that smoked weed, did experiment with other drugs.

After having swigs of beer at 10. My next no no thing would have been weed. Then after weed came shrooms, acid and exctacy. Then around 20 I got in to coke, tried crystal once. Never got in to pills, but I did codeine and vicodin on occasion. But now I just smoke weed and drink like 3 times a year. To much party is hard on the body.

I do think marijuana is good for cancer patients in promoting hunger. I don't think anyone is arguing that marijuana will cause a cancer patient to experiment with harsher drugs. Lets replace the word "gateway" with "stepping stone."



Well-Known Member
He said the legalization of cannabis in America is a bad hing because it is a gateway drug?

Here is an article that while certainly biased should not be biased against or for a Mexican politician and I see no mention of the Gateway claim or even indication that is Nieto's stance at all. To the contrary, it seems they want to use the ballot measures in WA and CO as leverage to resist pressure from the US to continue the drug war in Mexico which is deeply unpopular.

thump easy

Well-Known Member
legalizing weed would only mean the president of mexico wont be getting a big enough cut back from the crops being sold hear in the u.s. i havent seen brick weed in a long long long fucken time but i hear arizona still got it lolz..


Well-Known Member
legalizing weed would only mean the president of mexico wont be getting a big enough cut back from the crops being sold hear in the u.s. i havent seen brick weed in a long long long fucken time but i hear arizona still got it lolz..


Well-Known Member
legalizing weed would only mean the president of mexico wont be getting a big enough cut back from the crops being sold hear in the u.s. i havent seen brick weed in a long long long fucken time but i hear arizona still got it lolz..
So you're tlling me that if all laws that mention cannabis were to vanish, that you would not grow it instead of buy it? Do you think every podunk town in America would not have 50 growers for every 200 people? Then, with so many growers, would you not have the choice of which to buy? Would this not create a situation where the best growers would be the most successful? You would not be forced to buy from people who smuggle crap from clandestine operations, you could grow dank.

thump easy

Well-Known Member
So you're tlling me that if all laws that mention cannabis were to vanish, that you would not grow it instead of buy it? Do you think every podunk town in America would not have 50 growers for every 200 people? Then, with so many growers, would you not have the choice of which to buy? Would this not create a situation where the best growers would be the most successful? You would not be forced to buy from people who smuggle crap from clandestine operations, you could grow dank.
, im shure you know how the water runs, if we hear are growing thier wont be a need to export mexican weed, i have smoked good mexican buds back in the day few and far apart... pops grew a few out in his time, what im saying is the need to traffic weed into the u.s. slows shit down and if they cant sell it the hudisaless cant get paid, they get a kick back for the weed grown and it goes down the line... if we grow it hear and consume it hear it has to be just as good.. i seen great out door bud im shure a few mexican people were hired.. ow buy the way im mexican lolz its twisted over thier if you are writing me from mexico than you know what im talking about..


Well-Known Member
*lets out a long, exasperated sigh*

Maybe Kynes is right, maybe the only way to have equality is to force it. Maybe Cannabineer is right too, maybe some people are just better suited than others to survive, and should be rulers.

Thump, I hope you know you just drained some of my hope for human capacity.


Ursus marijanus
*lets out a long, exasperated sigh*

Maybe Kynes is right, maybe the only way to have equality is to force it. Maybe Cannabineer is right too, maybe some people are just better suited than others to survive, and should be rulers.

Thump, I hope you know you just drained some of my hope for human capacity.
Ohhhh I don't think I ever went that far. I recoil from outright social Darwinism, for a reason that should resonate with you: it forfeits all the evolution and advancements we have made as a culture.
But dang and heck if I can see or figure a working alternative. cn

thump easy

Well-Known Member
sorry buddie, to say this but the majority of humanity is failing, hope it turns out better, i hear Canada is realy polite lolz i run into old canadian couples people that still say hello on the trails its the american people that just give you a dirty look and dont even move out of the way, for the most part.. but canadians seem happy for the most part.. lolz good luck..