New Member To The Forum And Wanted To Say Hello.


To be honest I never thought about joining a grow forum before because of the soul fact that really experienced members here or any other grow site might find my questions either annoying or stupid I guess . I have learned by trial and error, i still go through hard times ,So i want to say hello and I am sure I will be posting some annoying questions Ha Ha .:grin:
To be honest I never thought about joining a grow forum before because of the soul fact that really experienced members here or any other grow site might find my questions either annoying or stupid I guess . I have learned by trial and error, i still go through hard times ,So i want to say hello and I am sure I will be posting some annoying questions Ha Ha .:grin:
I've recently joined too. The bunch here are nice folks and have helped me through my dumb questions. :D
Welcome aboard! Great collective knowledge base amongst these users. Listen to the smart ones, ignore the dumb ones and at the expense of sounding like a Little League coach, have fun. We’re all here because we love cultivating this plant. Be excellent to each other :)
I was so hammered, that I put up no resistance. Had I really
known where I was going , I think I would of " made a run for it " ! You're new neighborhood, is now , a 150ft hallway with large lights brighter than the Sun.
( the room light, the only light , located in the ceiling, the same ) .........1 men's room, 1 woman's room..........a shower (4×4) conveniently located right near the two shitters ..................lovely music during your relaxing wash. Heroin attics , fentnal addicts , amphetamine,meth and of course the Crackheads . Oh yea , a handful of dipsomainiacs , including me. I felt like when I was a small boy , on a sleep over and would get " homesick " ...........that was such painful experience.
To be honest I never thought about joining a grow forum before because of the soul fact that really experienced members here or any other grow site might find my questions either annoying or stupid I guess . I have learned by trial and error, i still go through hard times ,So i want to say hello and I am sure I will be posting some annoying questions Ha Ha .:grin:

Most all of us started with some degree of grower's black thumb and mine was blacker then most and I seemed to excel at killing plants more than actually growing them at first. Ask most anything you want / need. Welcome aboard.