New marijuana scent compared to


Active Member
I don't understand why today's weed doesn't smell feel to touch or look like before legalization weed? It has a rotten good smell never skunky, never as resinous as used to be pre 2005
Is it the seeds having been crossbred so.kucj it messed up the final product ? Is it the product I'm getting amateur and not grown properly ? Is it that today's bud is more soil grown bud then hydro? Any insight is appreciated
Where in the world are you? If your in the states jimho but I would put it down to legalisation here in the UK it just gets better
I blame it on the interwebs. People started breeding for pretty plants. With the small window of genetics, the same 50 clones only's, the majority of people are using to create new strains the results are all very similar. Small dense frosty nugs that look beautiful on insta but do not pack the punch, the aroma, or the complex flavors. People need to get back to breeding for effect and flavor not what makes the kiddies ooo and aahh on the interwebs.
I blame it on the interwebs. People started breeding for pretty plants. With the small window of genetics, the same 50 clones only's, the majority of people are using to create new strains the results are all very similar. Small dense frosty nugs that look beautiful on insta but do not pack the punch, the aroma, or the complex flavors. People need to get back to breeding for effect and flavor not what makes the kiddies ooo and aahh on the interwebs.
Chimera and Pure Michigan
Chimera breeds excellent cannabis. Why did you pick him out of the crowd? Just curious..

Some people rave about PMich some say it's meh. I haven't had the opportunity to try it yet.
Well op i blame focus on looks and thc content alone cos thats what your average idiot on the street thinks what matters now
Legislation don't help now its all branding and hype

Yeah it confused me too. I don't really mean to talk crap about those strains either. But they are two crazy frost strains that I hear a lot of people say the potency just isn't there.
When you look at alot of the modern stuff some of it looks frosty but lack heads the thing you want so they just got a bunch of pointless stalks that give the appearance of high resin content when you look under a scope tho you see there not all they seem

An old thread same idea

Where in the world are you? If your in the states jimho but I would put it down to legalisation here in the UK it just gets better
Maybe its got a bit better but here its really always been who you know if you aint only smoking your own weed heres still hit and miss we still get hit with alot of crap used to be holland sending it now half the stuff thats legit import is dog shit be it from america or canada the shit they send wont pass tests there hence why it ends up here i will say your uk commercial grown stuff has improved alot if you take the albos out the equation of course
Where in the world are you? If your in the states jimho but I would put it down to legalisation here in the UK it just gets better
What's Jimho mean and yes I am in the States and the weed here if I can ma you wine you'll see is GARBAGE! it's mind blowing to me cause before the legalization of marijuana here in the states, weed I used to smoke I used to say "we smoke that magazine shit" meaning it looked and was and tasted and smelled as good as what you'd see in high times or any weed magazines and it was illegal as hell to grow and then sell weed here in NYC and the surrounding areas
LOL! Never skunky...
I have issues with dispo herb but that is not one of them. Overdried, overpriced, and nothing special i agree with
What you mean never skunky!? Absurd that I am saying we keep getting never skunky weed here where i am ?
What you mean never skunky!? Absurd that I am saying we keep getting never skunky weed here where i am ?
What you mean never skunky!? Absurd that I am saying we keep getting never skunky weed here where i am ?
Heres an even crazier fact, anyone I bring thus same discussion in the states, if ever I say what ive said here on the blog, they'll answer me (mostly younger kids that in my opinion dont know shit about real weed cause they're the ones pushing pounds on top of pounds of this fake shit with barely any smell nevermind a good skunky resinous smell, they'll try to as if they know better, two as if all us old men like my father used to, say the same things if you get what I mean ? I'm 43 btw
Are you getting it primarily from a dispensary?
No I was going to dispensaries both in NYC and new jersey but I was dissatisfied every time
Always over priced
And never no matter what, was I like yeah this us it but the price too much

The weed is just off WAY OFF! I quit blazing in 2005 merely took a break came back in 06, when legalization first started bring spoken about which spawned all types of amateur growers talking like they're veteran or seasoned growers which they were not anyway that's when weed became stupid bad mockery at its highest ability ! I wanting grow my own now that it legal I have a dwc system not much of a system bucket pump and a few other things need tent and light and fans still
I don't understand why today's weed doesn't smell feel to touch or look like before legalization weed? It has a rotten good smell never skunky, never as resinous as used to be pre 2005
Is it the seeds having been crossbred so.kucj it messed up the final product ? Is it the product I'm getting amateur and not grown properly ? Is it that today's bud is more soil grown bud then hydro? Any insight is appreciated
Back in the day weed I smoked and sold was di skinny that we sometimes could've tell the difference between if it was weed or skunk a real skunk animal spray
But we knew it was weed cause there aren't any skunks walking around Manhattan or Brooklyn as far as I've ever seen !
I blame it on the interwebs. People started breeding for pretty plants. With the small window of genetics, the same 50 clones only's, the majority of people are using to create new strains the results are all very similar. Small dense frosty nugs that look beautiful on insta but do not pack the punch, the aroma, or the complex flavors. People need to get back to breeding for effect and flavor not what makes the kiddies ooo and aahh on the interwebs.
somebody I know told me the same thing too much cross breeding or something
My rule of thumb: if I hear the strain named in a rap song I steer clear of it and any crosses made with it. Simple as. Gelato, runtz, cookie, gorilla glue. Just stayed away