New Lights


Well-Known Member
Just got rid off my 4oo w's and bought 2- 600 w Big Kahunas from HGT, how many plants can be placed under (one) 600 w at how many inch's high. thanks

bud god

Active Member
the answer is how many plants you can put in a 17ft square area, depends on how big they are and what size containers there could be a 100 tiny plants in small containers or a couple big plants in big containers depends on your for how far above the plants should they be hung it depends on if there are cooled or not but a good rule of thumb is to place your hand at top of plants and if there is no discomfort your good, usually u can play with it a bit tell you think you got it where you want it.


Active Member
about 100w per plant, so 6 plants per 600w. most often about 1' away from the plants, a couple feet for sprouts.


Well-Known Member
Yea I think I was told 100w a plant is what it should be based on. bud god has a point... some of my plant will get big, I don't know if I can get 6 under the light as I top them for room... Thanks guys