Well-Known Member
Seeing as how the three 550's are a total of 1440 watts, if we went with the watts per sqft theory:I almost said 4x12 to give more overlap lol.
35 watts per sq foot (good) = 41 sqft
50 watts per sq foot (awesome) = 28.8 sqft
Now lets assume 4 feet wide canopy area by having the lights close enough that the coverage area is 4 feet wide on the narrow dimension of the light, at 50 watts per sqft he would have a row 7.2 feet long. So basically 4 x 7 area thats really well lit. At 35 watts per sqft he would have a row thats like 5 x 8 moderately lit.
I don't see the row being longer than say 8 feet if he wants to get at least 35 watts per sqft.