New life and name for an old god


Well-Known Member
Hey guys. For the last few months I have been working on creating a new god. One who cares about the planet and all of the folks who call it home. And not so much about pigmentation and who you poke.

But the other day a story on NPR about stuttering reminded me of something I had known for a good while now. That the Moses character of Jewish mythology was based on a real man. And that man was Crown Prince Thuthmosis, son of the Egyptian ruler. (both H's are silent, so it sounds like Tut-moses)

A very short version of his history is that his dad took bad advice from his religious leader when the ash from the volcanic eruption on Thera caused the biblical plagues. (Here is a look at what ash does, in this case at Mount Saint Helens. ) Folks were really unhappy about having to kill the 1st born of everything, and not too hip on the fact that the fact the Crown Prince was still around meant that not everyone was subject to the rule. Nefertiti was to be married to the dad, and she didn't really like that idea too much either. So Thuthmosis sent her to Jerusalem to ask for help fighting his dad. His dad's army was trying to keep the peace at the other end of the county, so when the help came they were able to take control of the country. For the next 13 or 18 years (history is a story after all, and it doesn't always get told the same way) they were able to plunder much of the wealth and take it back to Judea and Samara.
Mosis means son of, and Thuth is an Egyptian god. So his name means Son of God. Like most folks of that time, when an important person dies, they say he became a god. So I stopped work on creating a new god, and started work on remaking Thuthmosis into a god we can use in today's messed up world.

The first thing I did when I prayed him back into existence was to change the spelling of his name to Tutmosis. It really isn't a good idea to make a god with a speech impediment think you are making fun of him.
I've picked out a wife for him, a daughter of Ba'al by a human woman, but the name still hasn't came to me yet. As a demigod, she would be more godlike than him, a mere mortal who was made god at his death, but we are not afraid of strong women.
There is lots to work. But today being the solstice, I still have to dance naked under the moon and burn money. So I will get back to it later.

May god be with you.

My gods name is changes depending js

This from ur friendly gnostic
I've spent the last few months listening to way too many preachers online, and not a one of them preached a sermon on climate change. Humans needs gods, or we wouldn't have created so many. I figured why not let mythology work for good for a change.

I'm working on the Gospels when I can find the time, but I never seem to get very far. But Tutmosis was known for his association with the bull gods, so not eating beef except on rare occasions will be a commandment.

I do have some good billboard or T-shirt stuff though. Zeus is a silly goose. Tutmosis is a god for serious people.
I've spent the last few months listening to way too many preachers online, and not a one of them preached a sermon on climate change. Humans needs gods, or we wouldn't have created so many. I figured why not let mythology work for good for a change.

I'm working on the Gospels when I can find the time, but I never seem to get very far. But Tutmosis was known for his association with the bull gods, so not eating beef except on rare occasions will be a commandment.

I do have some good billboard or T-shirt stuff though. Zeus is a silly goose. Tutmosis is a god for serious people.

Bob would disagree js
I've been telling folks that ag adds just as much greenhouse gases as the transport sector. With beef production being a huge part of that. My long term goal is that folks listen to god more than they listen to Larry.
Humans needs gods, or we wouldn't have created so many. I figured why not let mythology work for good for a change.
It's always frustrated me the popularity of modern religions, since no rational unbiased observed would identify them as anything other then BS. people need understanding, direction, purpose and comfort. All religions must provide those things to become successful. I think all of them were developed originally to work for good. But with the newest mainstream religion(Islam) being about 1500years old it is more then time for a new one and I applaud your efforts of creating a theocracy that promotes service to the needs of the modern wold
Lucky Bob enjoys his space tomatoes and suds ;)
I don't have a standing stone yet. (I am in Florida after all) But I'm using a three legged grill with some bricks under the other corner for an alter. So far I've used Le OG and some gov't bud (who's name eludes me) for burn offerings.

I've loosely followed the Creek tradition most of my adult life. I plan on using a lot of the same customs, just with a new name.
It's always frustrated me the popularity of modern religions, since no rational unbiased observed would identify them as anything other then BS. people need understanding, direction, purpose and comfort. All religions must provide those things to become successful. I think all of them were developed originally to work for good. But with the newest mainstream religion(Islam) being about 1500years old it is more then time for a new one and I applaud your efforts of creating a theocracy that promotes service to the needs of the modern wold
Thanks. Our foreknowledge of death is why we create gods. I'm betting the other higher primates and maybe whales have some form of belief.
One more name change. Tutmoses is easier for folks to wrap their minds around. Those of us who worship him are Tutmosians.
I've been working on the gospels a little bit. I've used Tom Robbins the way Mark used Homer. But just like my novel, it's going slow.
Thanks. Our foreknowledge of death is why we create gods. I'm betting the other higher primates and maybe whales have some form of belief.
The reason we create gods is because we are naturally aware of the metaphysical and creating a god gives us an over simplified way or relating to this awareness. Everything in existences shares the same awareness but it's only us who makes attempts to personify this awareness with the creation of religions. And for the most part the underlying principals of nearly all religions are extremely misguided when it comes to explaining what god might actually be.
In the mean time I've trying to nail down the date of the Thera eruption. Dudes who dig in the dirt are hard set on 1550-1530 BCE. Since it ties in with the change in Egyptian middle to late kingdoms, the end of the Aegean Minoan empire based on Crete, they have their minds made up, and are not going to change them. (if your income depends on you not seeing new information, that information will not be seen)

Tree ring folks have moved it back to 1630-1585 BCE. I've learned more about GSRO (growing season related offsets) than I even knew existed. The two main trees are brittle cone pines in America and oaks in Ireland, with a GSRO of 0.5 to 1.5 months. Not to mention the importance of tree ring wiggles.

The carbon dating folks are having a hard time because the period has a lot of adjustments to their scale because of the amount of background carbon. There is a good chunk of charcoal found just above the ash layer (which in some places was over 100 feet), but not knowing how old the wood was before it was burned leaves some guessing. Animal bones (from food animals) is better because most will be less than three years old at time of slaughter. When all the to and froing was done, they are in the 1620-1590 BCE range.

Everyone thought the ice core folks had hit a home run. There is a huge spike of sulfur from 1628-1627 BCE in North pole ice cores. But then we found out there was an Alaskan eruption we didn't know about, and the Thera eruption was not high in sulfur.

There is a cave in Turkey with two strong chemical peaks in 1611-10 and 1597 BCE, but it has a plus or minus of 25 years.

When all that is put in a bag and shaken you get 95.4% probability of 1609-1560 BCE and 68.3% probability of 1606-1595 BCE.
u 2...mine went from Bob the Ant, to George the butterfly over the weekend

this from ur friendly gnostic
I caused one small stroke when I was asking a preacher I know how the money flowed to and from his church to the southern Baptist ass. When he ask why I was interested, I told him. He did not handle it well.