New leaves thin & curled will this effect yield


My babies are 2 weeks old in veg the new growth was damaged by my ph being measured wrong, only the once though!
Not fed them for two days and they seem to be getting better, going to leave it for another day till i feed them again.
What i'm worried about is will the leaves affected fully recover? Will this affect the yield?


If you didn't kill it, your just have lost that 2 weeks of veg growth, as long as its resolved, it'll just pick back up again... The veg stage is pretty forgiving, its when you flower them and get it wrong your mess yields up...


Yeah unless something goes wrong again. The old leaves will fall off and new growth will replace it... the plant will still have stored some of what it needs for flowering, so you could argue that you don't NEED to veg it back up in essence.. Once it goes into flower it''ll grow that back quick anyway.. you could argue that the plant has a more established root system and would grow what it lost back much quicker anyway... Ha confusing all this huh... What would I do... I personally like a well vegged plant.. 7-8 nodes for mine.. I'd just veg it back up to a reasonable level and flower it regardless of how LONG its been in veg... I wouldn't say "oh this plant must have another 2 weeks of veg now".. I play it buy eye, some plants veg quicker than others (sativas especially).....

If your looking at your plants and thinking OMG i've killed them... unless they actually are dead, which we all have your be amazed at how quick they recover.. Come back in a weeks time and they will be fine... chill :)


Thanks man that advice means a lot! Confusing but when your passionate about something you have a understanding! thanks a lot though this has helped


As with anything, starting out is always overwhelming... we think were are doing it wrong... with a little time, your learn when things are really wrong, or just a bit of paranoia....