New leaves inner yellowing with pics


Active Member
Whats up everyone,

I am using Coco, This is a cutting that was transplanted 2 weeks ago. She has been showing this for the last 2-3 days. I am guessing it is mg/ca. But many articles explain that the plant could be suffering from sulfur "S" deficiencies.

New growth is bright yellow as you can see in the pictures. Plant is still growing but continues to be yellow on new growth.


Well-Known Member
flush well with ph'd water then run half strength nutes and see what happens if it doesnt improve add something like go green or dr repair.

looks like iron or maybe zinc to me.

i always flush first to make sure its not a lockout cause if it is and you start adding extra stuff it will just make it worse.


Active Member
I am using all organic, so I hope it is not a lockout. I will do a flush when she needs some water. Thank you for the input.


Well-Known Member
i dont know jack about organics in coco. hopefully someone else can give more info. just out of curiosity you make your own or just using an organic line of nutrients?


Well-Known Member
i like your style man. i have just started brewing my own teas for dwc. the results so far have been spectacular.

what do you put in?
When I had a plant where only the tops was yellow, the PH was a little on the high side. It actually got green again suprisingly quickly, after lowering the PH.
I think this is the only time fixing PH in a organic grow helped me, so I would not take my own adivce :-)

So I'm not saying this is your problem, I know nothing about growing in your medium.


Active Member
Thank you OldGrowAddict. I did forget to PH my tea the first time I fed her. What I like to add to my compost tea depends on the stage of growth.

Right now I am using things like alfalfa meal, crab meal, fish meal, worm castings, shrimp meal. The list goes on.