Not that you got thrips, obviously you got some types of bugs!lol! Thrips is like hunting a tiger in the jungle, you may see where its been but you may never actually see it, put on your hunting gear for thrips, godam cunning little buggers, even with hundreds on a plant they will still be able to avoid you seeing them, you may spend hours looking and never see one. I hunt them good and for years have fought them, on my pepper flowers they hide deep in and never come out, trick is to gently breath on the flower, the thrip will come out of hiding to investigate the humidity and warmth and then you got him. Weed plants are even harder to find thrips.
All flies hate tin foil and get confused, hang it in the bright places and they will fly off from the plants. Cover the soil by one of the many ways to kill life cycles of soil larvae from thrips and other such soil larvae flies, some dont use the soil and the larvae hatch on the leaves, thips need the soil or they die.
Benificial nute, bacteria and fungi seem to offer the plant a lot of resiliance to pests and employing an army of different predator bugs will control them quick too. I use 2 different predator mites, one for thrips and one for gnats and mites although they will attack anything small. All these methods combined wipes my thrips, whitefly and knats out within a few weeks and cooler temps slow their reproductive life cycle, i will not use pesticides or insecticides ever again and hate them and dont trust them for weed plants.
My jalapeno plants can outgrow the damage from thrips normally and they live all year round with them, i do not have to do anything with these plants but weed plants take a real big hit from bugs.
A small funny story about my peppers, i have the plants near an open window in a small grow at my girlfriends, i did use the predatory mites but other bugs came in from outside and started eating them, these other bugs didn't eat my peppers and also killed the pests but just goes to show how mother nature has its ways, i got mites to kill mites and ended up producing a whole food chain of bugs as bigger bugs and moths started to come in to eat the bugs that were snacking on my predatory bugs. At night with the lights on it was like a bug zoo, must have been at least 10 different species and different kinds of bugs all over the plant and walls where the light was, i dont mind though as i suppose it is no different to outdoors and am not in the habbit of killing any form of life. Peace