New Indoor Setup - Looking for Kind Advice


Active Member
hello i am a beginner setting up an indoor grow space in a space (modified shower) measuring approx. 29" x 29" x 60" tall. (see picture) Looking to grow 5 plants for personal use. (3 purple kush 1 white widow 1 bubble gum) I acquired these as clones and just placed them in a soil medium in pots. They are about 6" tall currently and i have them under a small T5 light until i figure out my real light setup. Looking for some advice-

(*note i am going to cover the walls with a reflective plastic that i picked up from a hydro shop- this is not shown in the pics)

1. In this grow space for 5 plants should i use CFL lights or HPS lights? If I go with HPS should i opt for 250 W or 400W? note the 7" clearance above the mock ceiling, my exhaust will exit via the mock ceiling through the actual ceiling drywall (6" tube) to an open attic space above)

2. given the size of the plants right now what is the ideal pot size that they should currently be in?

3. are they ok for right now under this T5 light for a couple days or would a regular flourescent be better?

any advice would be appreciated....

im sure ill think of more thanks!!



Well-Known Member
I paid the same price for my 250 and my 400 so your better off with the 400 I put my plants in 5 gallon pots right away
fuck it more soil less watering


New Member
Yo dude dont have them in to big a pots straight away let them buid up then pot them on i do this 3 times, start small then when they out grow a middle size pot then i pot on to my last pot large about 10ltr etc, dont have your lights at the start down to low ok, water them with a good steady routine like every 3 days try and keep to the same time, example if you feed at midnight when the lights come on keep it the same, it is best to feed just when the lights do come on because they then have the hole light time to deal with their food. plants really only grow in the light and sleep in the dark just like us, when you want to bloom its 12 lights on and 12 off and when you bloom your plants will normaly grow 3x the height you start to bloom ok, mind also just buid up the food little by little, veg for grow 18/6 and bloom for flower 12/12, this site is here to help if you ask in a nice way it has many good people with good advise, happy growing and keep it simple dude.
Bangers also says hello from scotland.


Well-Known Member
Nice space!

Forget cfls!!! Forget t5's!!!

I'd recommend a 400w hps & a cooltube. That's a beautiful space you have there. With a 400w hps and a cooltube you could make some beautiful buds =]

Is the sound of fans an issue to you? If so check out s&p inline fans.

Also what are you plans for smells?

Looking at your space I would recommend the following

a 400w digital ballast and a cooltube

I would use a s&p td-150 inline fan.

I would place the carbon filter on the ground, and run it from carbon filter to one end of cooltuben, then out of cooltube to exhaust fan..and exhaust it into your attic just like you stated before...this way if your setup isn't air tight the smell should all be taken care of by the carbon filter =]

if floor space is an issue you can mount the carbon hanging from your mock ceiling

how do you plan on bringing in fresh air?

if you use the inline fan I recommended you might be able to put the carbon filter in the back corner, and cut a few small holes (or one 3" - 4" hole) in one corner of the front of your would want to cover this with a small carbon filter (by the ovens in home depot)...this should create a passive intake, and should keep fresh air flowing in your cabinet


Active Member
hello all,
thanks very much for the tips and info so far. it is greatly appreciated. i have decided to go with a 400 watt HPS light for this area. I had planned on using an air cooled metal hood. I saw the cooltubes in a local store - is it a much better option?

Also due to the holiday i will not be able to get a HPS light until friday. should my plants be under a larger light like a 4 ft. flourescent ceiling light or will this single T5 sustain them for another day or so? (It looked like they were under regular flourescents at the dispensary?)

As far as getting fresh air in I was planning on running some 6" ducting from outside somehow (there is somewhat close access via roof or door) - trying to figure this out still but we are the homeowners so we can make minor modifications if needed. The front of the grow space will be covered - I have created a 6" intake hole on the bottom left with the exhaust in the opposite top back corner in the ceiling.

Thats what i can think of right now...

cant wait to see my setup come together

thanks again to all that took the time to read and share.

till next time-


Well-Known Member
hello all,
thanks very much for the tips and info so far. it is greatly appreciated. i have decided to go with a 400 watt HPS light for this area. I had planned on using an air cooled metal hood. I saw the cooltubes in a local store - is it a much better option?

Also due to the holiday i will not be able to get a HPS light until friday. should my plants be under a larger light like a 4 ft. flourescent ceiling light or will this single T5 sustain them for another day or so? (It looked like they were under regular flourescents at the dispensary?)

As far as getting fresh air in I was planning on running some 6" ducting from outside somehow (there is somewhat close access via roof or door) - trying to figure this out still but we are the homeowners so we can make minor modifications if needed. The front of the grow space will be covered - I have created a 6" intake hole on the bottom left with the exhaust in the opposite top back corner in the ceiling.

Thats what i can think of right now...

cant wait to see my setup come together

thanks again to all that took the time to read and share.

till next time-
plants will be fine for now....good luck


Active Member
thanks normally by tomorrow i will have my lights etc so more progess to come. ill keep you posted with pics etc. all the info and time is appreciated! thanks and have a great thanksgiving