New Indoor Grower


Well-Known Member
Ok well, ive been germinating 5 seeds for 5 days now 1 has a nice little tail and is now in Soil (Pro-Mix, with Perlite) the only seed that sprouted the tail was placed in a Paper Towel with 3 Day Aged tap water in a Ziplock Baggy was only in there for about 18 hours, the other seeds i placed directly in an Old Pill bottle inside of a Wooden Box (i used Straight Tap Water) They have yet to germinate i think it may be because of the Str8 from sink tap water not aged or anything, i just now placed them in with aged wated and it looks like there already dramaticaly changing. The box is a 1.5 x 2 x 4.5, with 2 100 Watt CFL's. Temp is around 76F. Im and outdoor grower any advice, critiques, are more then welcome. What do you think my chances of Actual growth are? Oh yea the seeds are from Nirvana-Shop (Kaya Strain) Here are a few pictures of the small, cheap setup.

Sorry about the 1st picture its sideways =)) i uploaded it then realised it was sideways attempted to edit and re-upload Photobucket aint having it :))


Well-Known Member
looks good..
i just want to say..
get the lights closer..
keep it about 1-2" away from the soil..
& as it sprouts, move it up till it's 1-2" away from the tops..
also, i'm sure people will say get rid of the foil..
but, i wouldn't worry too much about it, if you're using the dull side..
either way, looks like a good set up..

you should throw in a oscillating fan in there also..
& upgrade your lights ASAP..
as your plant grows, those lights wont cut it..

good luck :D


Well-Known Member
Yea i plan on gettin an HPS as soon as i can afford it.. i got a 5 month old son though so moneys rare right now =)). And i just bought a Jig-Saw today im going to cut a couple holes and fit some Computer fans in it. Right now you cant see it but i do have an oscillating fan infront of the setup inside. Sorry i didnt include that in the information to begin with. And ill go in there and move the lights closer right now. And also another question if i for some reason cant afford an HPS light here sometime soon do ya think that like 4-6 100 Watt CFL's will cut it? i have all the fitting just not the bulbs at the time.


Well-Known Member
if you can't afford the HPS now..
you can always use CFL's.. plenty have done so..

just get the 6500k daylights for now..
& 4-6 should do you justice.. while you wait..
but, i would try getting 6.. just to be safe..
safer than sorry is always the best thing..

also, if you can't get the HPS..
you can flower with 2700k warm/soft white CFL's..
for flowering, the more lights you have = more bud..
in some occasions..

& what are your temps in that room?
also, what soil are you using?

good luck :D


Well-Known Member
A Steady 76F for the temp, im using a Miracle Grow mixture with perlite and all other essential nutrients all up in that soil Lol. Well right now im using 2 100 Watt CFL's each giving 1800 Lumens. I have a couple of CFL 8 inch tubes i think im going to mount to every wall.


Well-Known Member
sounds like a plan, as long as they're daylights..
& that's a pretty good temp to maintain..
the miracle gro that you're using, is it moisture control?
if it is, you have to cut down on the watering..
like water once every week.. because, it stays moist..
you will have over-watering problems..
you can check by sticking your finger an inch into the soil..
also, watering too much can release the nutes inside..
which will end up burning up your plant..

hope all goes well though, good luck :D


Well-Known Member
Awesome all of the seeds excluding one have tails about to hit the soil! Going to give that loner a little more time


Well-Known Member
Hmmm ok well its been 3 days now since my seeds got some roots goin and have been in soil ever since, i now have 6 little pots in there with soil and seeds. Still no sign going on a week now its never takin me this long to get some green showing above soil. Any tips?... Oh yea and there are 2 seeds that i dipped in some RooTone (Rooting Hormone) and they grew tails FAST AS HELL. Then when they hit dirt its like they just stopped all together...... Gettin really frustrated with these damn seeds :))


Well-Known Member
Ahhhh shit and i just went in there and Looked at my Temp. Hygro Meter. Looked at what the max and min. Temps and humitidy was. Apparantly my fan shut off last night it hit 112.4 Degrees F. in there last night. Could that extreme heat killed my seeds/seedlings