New indoor grower important questions +rep of course...and karma ;)


Well-Known Member

1) can there be tiny pinholes of light at all PERIOD in the room? I'm talking miniscule, how much does it take to contaminate with light, for real.

2) when should I start using my flowering nute formula? I'm about to start 12/12 within a day or two.

3) should I do a pest control treatment now before flowering begins? maybe a neem oil spray? or bug bomb?

4) Is it ok to have high humidity for parts of the day, or will that roger my grow?

5) is it honestly worth it to use the sugar/yeast for co2? or waste of time... I REALLY NEED GOOD ANSWERS TO THESE QUESTIONS :)


Active Member
you can have tiny pinholes it wont hurt. as long as its not bringing in more than a half a foot candle of light your all right. duct tape is good for covering all those little holes though if they make you nervous. i wait till the second water after i start flower to start with flower nutes and then stick to my water,water,nute regiment. you should do pest controle on a regular basis through out ALL stages of your grow. keep your rooms clean and check regularly for pests and other problems like mold. you want to try and kep your RH and Temp with in the comfort zone and not let either flux more that 10 degrees or so. CO2 is more of a painin the ass than its worth unles you really need it. most rooms that are well vented have no need for CO2 as long as you have a good source of air comming into your room. sugar/yeast is really a growers own personal thing. some swear by it some pass it off as snakes oil. this is the first time im trying the sugar thing and i'm running a controlled experiment with it. i have 2 himalyan golds in flower now and one is getting RO water with agave necter mixed at a tbls per gallon evry water and age old organic bloom every third water. the other is getting RO water and testing another theory i've heard concerning scratching in guano every other water with an npk of 1-5-1. so on that note ill let you know what i find or try it out on one of your girls just to see. hope this helps. =)


Well-Known Member
+rep knucklehead. I've just heard that a tiny eency weency lil drop of light will throw your grow crossdressin' on street corners... um I don't want that. My room is not real suberbly vented, I did the best I could with the circumstances, I have 8 inch vortex pulling thru a carb can and a 4 inch passive, I am adding a 4 inch passive. Im sure that my grow could highly benefit from having c02 I just dont know if the cheap ass sugar/yeast thing is worth the hassle right. As far as pest control I have done nothing sofar lol I havent had any major problems but i'm sure they are well on their way. I've seen a lil spotting on leaves and I have that gut feeling I'm getting buggies. I will be PONYING up soon for a dehumid. because....fuck I need one hehe thx again and I need more opinions though!


New Member
Try spraying your plants with unsalted soda water from the grocery/liquor store, it will safely induce co2 into your plants

No light is ideal, worst case scenario would be a full moon so to speak. next time there is a full moon out go for a walk, this is what outdoor plants "see" so as long as your less than that you should be golden.

If your going to use neem oil, try to warm it up a little in a pot of hot water before mixing it, helps to liquefy the oil and promotes more even mixing. And yes, do it when they go into the flower cycle. Spray them and then turn on a fan so they get plenty of air straight at them until everything is settled in.

Ventilation is very important to healthy plants and is often over looked in small grow areas. Try to refresh the air completely in your grow area at least once a minute.

Your growing and learning just like your plants, have fun with it and good luck to you.


Well-Known Member

1) can there be tiny pinholes of light at all PERIOD in the room? I'm talking miniscule, how much does it take to contaminate with light, for real.
as Nukulhedd said, a very little light is ok - the standard i've heard is the equivalent of a crescent moon's light.

when should I start using my flowering nute formula? I'm about to start 12/12 within a day or two.
after a week of 12/12 is good.

should I do a pest control treatment now before flowering begins? maybe a neem oil spray? or bug bomb?
don't add chemicals you don't need. the spots you describe could be anything, verify or you'll be fixing the wrong problem.

Is it ok to have high humidity for parts of the day, or will that roger my grow?
high humidity is good for your plants during veg and the early stages of flower. you want to keep the humidity low for most of flowering because that promotes the formation of thc that the plant uses to coat it's exterior and save water.

is it honestly worth it to use the sugar/yeast for co2? or waste of time.
personal choice. again, as Nukulhedd said, it's hard not to get normal levels of co2 in a small grow just from air seepage. the real benefit of co2 comes from controlling its concentration between 1200 and 1500 ppm. you can't do that without a gas tank or burner and a co2 monitor/controller.

Professor Puff.n.Tuff

Active Member
1. cover them with tape, dark colored tape of course.

2. My nutes have me begin with a transition period into flowering. I would change your nutes when you change your lighting schedule.

3. By your second post it sounds like your ppm's or ph is off. what color are the spots, do you have pics?

4. High rh is not too bad during veg. It will cause pm during flower. try to keep it below 65%, if i remember right - i dont have issues were i am.

5. read below.

As for the light and hermies, I have heard this also but I think that they will just produce better that way. If they have too much light leak or a fuck up in the schedule then they have a much higher chance of hermieing. Just stuff something in the holes - even paper towels temporarily, pipe cleaners are a good temp solution to light gaps.

I am in the same situation as for the venting. I have done the sugar and yeast method and showed positive results and could confirm production with the syringe type tester. It is a hassle, and I think that co2 tanks or propane burners show a much higher yield. I am going to be looking into investing in a burner soon.

I use a foliar spray for a portion of the veg cycle. I add neem oil to it as a preventative for mites, it makes the leaves shine they look great. I also hang the yellow sticky traps up in the room for gnats. This is also a preventative measure at this point but I have had gnats before and dont want them to have a chance at populating again.

+rep knucklehead. I've just heard that a tiny eency weency lil drop of light will throw your grow crossdressin' on street corners... um I don't want that. My room is not real suberbly vented, I did the best I could with the circumstances, I have 8 inch vortex pulling thru a carb can and a 4 inch passive, I am adding a 4 inch passive. Im sure that my grow could highly benefit from having c02 I just dont know if the cheap ass sugar/yeast thing is worth the hassle right. As far as pest control I have done nothing sofar lol I havent had any major problems but i'm sure they are well on their way. I've seen a lil spotting on leaves and I have that gut feeling I'm getting buggies. I will be PONYING up soon for a dehumid. because....fuck I need one hehe thx again and I need more opinions though!


Well-Known Member
1) I have an almost pitch black room with a few scattered tiny pinholes from stapling my walls it is close to being pitch but not... I DONT WANT HERMIES.


3) I have the signs of bugs, light scratches on my leaves look like thrip marks, white dots, I just know that I have bugs coming, probably mites and thrips. I think I should bug bomb the room then neem the leaves as control? I dont wanna fk around. I have "hot shot pest strips" in on wednesday will post a pic of leaf damage I speak of.

4) Humidity is ASS HIGH during dark because my stupid growzone controller with cord sensor, piece of shit, stops the fan because the temp drops so i have to go in and turn the dial, only if I'm home, otherwise it's crazy humid, i cannot figure the thing out.

5) I'm just going to forget c02 rite now in my life and just open up another 4inch passive, all I can do

I am buying an A/C (portable) to control temps soon because I am jacking up my show with more lite soon
I am buying a dehumidifier to keep down RH during flowering
I am a noob and I have my GD fingers crossed on this one... I try so hard though lol



Well-Known Member
I am buying an A/C (portable) to control temps soon
make sure to get a "two hose" unit that takes outside air into the unit and sends it back outside without mixing with inside air at any time. if you get a one hose system it draws in room air and sends half of it out to the rest of the world. not the best plan.


Active Member
So...on the hot shot pest strips...I had bugs on my first grow and so I used the hot shot pest strip for 1 week - turned the fans off at night and let it cook those bugs. It worked! But you should do it now - while you're still in veg.

Now what I do is put the pest strip in my room for 1 week before each grow as a pre-emptive strike. I haven't have a bug issue for my last 3 grows (knock on wood!).

Just my 2 cents. Good Luck!


Well-Known Member
So...on the hot shot pest strips...I had bugs on my first grow and so I used the hot shot pest strip for 1 week - turned the fans off at night and let it cook those bugs. It worked! But you should do it now - while you're still in veg.

Now what I do is put the pest strip in my room for 1 week before each grow as a pre-emptive strike. I haven't have a bug issue for my last 3 grows (knock on wood!).

Just my 2 cents. Good Luck!
thanks, I feel like I'm in wayyyy over my head with this room right now as I am a perfectionist knowing things are nowhere NEAR perfect, i try so hard lol I'm gonna work to change things in this room, I have to. Here is a pic of some leaf stuff going on, I heard this was thrips... whatcha think??



New Member
Looks like a little heat stress combo with a slight nute burn on the edges in a couple pics. Also looks like some white aka salt from the water on the leaves. Do you know your PPM?


Active Member
I agree with others...doesn't really look like bug issues...more like heat/water issues. whatever it seems pretty minor? If you don't see any bugs...even with a's probably not bugs. My advice? Relax. Maybe water a little more and watch your temps.

Good luck


Active Member
Nice pics and info doesnt look serious. Try wiping the leaves down. Becareful though. As far as neem oil im a foliar sprayer and i use one drop per bottle of dish soap mixed light nutes 20-20-20. No bugs at all never treated.


Well-Known Member
thx alot guys, for your time to look, assess and advise me. I have a room that is seeming to suffocate a bit. 4 inch passive to an 8inch vortex from carbon can is just not cutting it. I am going to add another intake, 6inch with an axial pulling in air, this is going to be in use with the 4inch not replacing it, the rooms gotta breathe dammit hehe. I heard that thrip damage looks very similar to what i showed hmmm maybe it's not bugs, I'm bombing that room regardless lol I just would like to know how severe or if any damage to my plants will come from a pyrethrum bug bomb. I have to do this anyway as preventative measure for pre-flowering, I gotta switch to 12/12 now.

Here is some more pics of leaf damage, this has GOT to be bugs, PH, Temp, Humidity, Water issues can't cause
the marks you see here... or can theyyy lol I honestly dunno.

I had to throw the last pic in cause it was posin' so damn pretty ;)


Dude, there is nothing wrong with your plant. Chill or you're going to kill it.
Leaves die, especially lower ones.