new indoor grow inside closet


Active Member
Im starting my first indoor grow... Grown outdoors 2wice n just planted 12 plants outside... So trying sumthn new i have a basic industrial light with a 60 w comact florescent bulb.. How far away should the light be and what should i use for watering n timers... Somebody hit me up with some good feed back please
is it warm white or daylight/cool white CFL? short answer is you can put CFL as close as 2 inches away if it is daylight. If it is warm white you should get a daylight bulb for vegetative growth. I water my plants 2x a week. 1 time lightly and 1 time just enough so a little dribbles out the bottom. you should feel the top inch of soil.. if nothing sticks to your fingers then it is time to water. You should get a timer for the lights.

some popular light cycles for vegging are 24/0, 18/6, 16/8, and there is one that I just recently switched to called Gas Lantern Method aka 12-1...

gas lantern method is 13 hours of light total.. 12 hours on, 5.5 hours off, 1 hour on, 5.5 hours off... (24 hours total) repeat. This method is best for conserving energy.

24/0 lights always on... this works but I feel like there is more work getting the plants adjusted to flowering light cycle and costs a lot of money to run this way.

18/6 similar to 24/0 except you give it a small dark cycle (helps cool the room and save a little energy... plus some people think a dark period helps the plant use its energy more efficiently)

Its all a matter of preference and what works for your grow room. Gas lantern method is the safest method to go with for security and saving money.
Better off painting the closet flat white than aluminum foil, for veg I use 20/4, keep light as close as possible without burning the tops, make sure plenty or ventilation.
Well i am in a closet and it is my first indoor

I've course fans are good for air movement. I was just surprised at how strange the question was.

You need to read a guide. Not many people are willing to school someone through all the basics when
there are so many old threads and guides about basics like watering and light distance all over
the web.
Of course a fan would help but you also need an opening for both intake and exaust, not only do you want air movement, you want to exchange the air constantly, maintaining your temp is also important, best of luck with your grow, we all started at one time or an other.