New Hood Set, what you guys think?


OK, I don't have $40 for a cheap hood right now, and the one I got with my 400w setup was getto as hell. So I got a $5 mailbox and some flat white paint I had around the house, this is what I got.

I took apart the mailbox, just a press rivit here and there.
Bent the main part out some to get a wider light spread.
Used the bottom of the mailbox to cut a piece for the backside of the hood.
Used duck tape to hold it together while I welded it together.
Painted it flat white.
Then mounted the light holder.

It works great I am just waiting till my rope pulleys get here to install it.

Let me know what you guys think!



Active Member
Looks great my friend and will do the job but I am a great believer in cost to effort ratio. A basic dutch barn reflector is about £10 or $15, designed and engineered for the job. Not bashin ya mate, when I first moved from reflectors to hoods, I made mine with ply and heat resistant perspex, took me hours and I was so proud of myself. They lasted less than a week before the perspex buckled and the sealant failed.

It can be expensive but if you are serious about growing try to buy the best..... it is more cost effective in the long run. (I am talkin hardware not nutes)
Looks great my friend and will do the job but I am a great believer in cost to effort ratio. A basic dutch barn reflector is about £10 or $15, designed and engineered for the job. Not bashin ya mate, when I first moved from reflectors to hoods, I made mine with ply and heat resistant perspex, took me hours and I was so proud of myself. They lasted less than a week before the perspex buckled and the sealant failed.

It can be expensive but if you are serious about growing try to buy the best..... it is more cost effective in the long run. (I am talkin hardware not nutes)
Ya I will be looking at a better one when funds provide, but anything is better then the cone thing I had in there. Haha. I am just starting out so I am still learning about this all.



Well-Known Member
i've been following your setup man. i love the innovation behind this shit. if your grow room was apple, then you'd be steve jobs. make sure your paint is rated for high temperature applications... since its probably going to be close to 100+ degrees that close to the bulb. make sure you cut some vents on top of the bulb so the heat can dissipate and rise upwards instead of going downwards and fucking up your plants
Thank you urgod. Ya i am already thinking of ways to build a veg/seedling room instead of using tubs for them. But i on space so maybe next house. Haha