New HomeMade Grow Box ***OPINIONS*** Please :)


What do you people think, comment your opinions or idea's, or things to make better

what kind of light is that? so does it close? I would run lots of small plants under that...... I love the computer fan here's my new intake on the veg cab...IMG_20130925_202435.jpgIMG_20130926_194241.jpg
Im Using Dual Spectrum GIANT 200 Watts (2600k) - (5600k)
And Yeah Its In A Bedroom Cupboard With A Door On It :) Got 2 Fans
One On Opposite Side :)
Oh cool so you can let them grow right up in the hood........if your light height isn't adjustable Iwould find a way to do that.that's all Igot
light isnt adjustable, its at the highest point in grow box atm, any suggestions to make it adjustable? :) and thanks for comments :)
if its screwed into the top I would get long bolts.......adjust the height with the nuts all the way up to flush like it is....would have some bolts sticking down into the grow space but they wouldn't block light and I think with Flouro's it's pretty important to adjust the height...I see trouble coming if the plants stretch up into the light......ya a some long bolts I've done that before worked aight
From the looks of your plants you should put them into 12/12 now, or start topping them to make them bushy instead of letting them get too tall and unmanageable. Also, you could just use boxes or books or something under your plants and lower the plants as they grow instead of raising the lights. Just a thought.