New Here's My 1st Grow & a Couple Questions

Hiyah.. pretty new here & yep its me first grow. I'm growing outdoors in an illegal state but ah wtf. got sick of having to buy or waiting for the dealer to have some. Right so, i have the whole growing concept down before i even attempted to shove a seed into the ground. So i'm not grow-stupid. First things first, my "one" plant is today 15 days old & for some reason it's short compared to others. is that normal? How can I reasonably speed this up? (* I counted 8 hours of afternoon light & 14 hours of darkness*). Due to my me picking out a bad spot. We're talking light from 12:00pm to 8:30pm. yet it has 6(including the two in the bottom) ; from what i observe, healthy vege leaves. now on the leaves, if you look closely, you'll see some white dust-like things on the leaves. are those pests?i cant tell. help is appreciated , thanks :)IMG_20110513_190749.jpgIMG_20110514_094514.jpg

Another thing, uhh every random night, late night, I hear a helicopter in the sky. now i was one night hitting me spliff and saw the helicopter with a search light. not sure if its like that every time they're up and out thinking they're looking for outdoor grow-ops since i live in a almost farm-like area. so what im thinking about doing is if my little babe continues to grow big & large; well when it's large enough, i'll put in a pot & take it in every night bring back out 7am. Is that ok? or does that stress the plant? -Snoop


Active Member
Let the plant grow on it's own. The only thing you can do to speed things up is use compost tea or nutes/ferts. Please understand that every strain is different and grows different. Your plant may seem slow now, but give it a little time and she will make you eat your words. I have had plants that didn't do hardly anything for about 50 days then all of a sudden the plant just took off. As for the flying piggies....Relax. you only have one plant dude and she is so tiny right now.
make sure too keep them damp, sometimes, in southern states it gets to hot during the day so u don't want direct sunlight for over 8 hours


Well-Known Member
Ha! No way man, Its a RAID! Those choppers were sent to find you. LOL

Right on, looks like she is healthy enough. Got a couple things for ya, you mentioned she gets 8 hours of afternoon light. That should be fine if its after noon lighting and not total amount of light. You want at least 14 hours of daylight. I went out a bit early last year and had a couple flower on me. Here is a cool link, Daylight explorer put in your info and it will tell you the amount of daylight. The other thing was the little white spots, I couldnt see them in the pic but most likely it is pests. Seedlings are more vulnerable then adults to them. A little DIY, take half a cigar or a couple cigarettes and make a tea with a gallon of water, ad a couple drops of dish soap and spray the plant and all around it. do it every couple weeks.

Good luck man.
Wowzers O_O Cigarette tea Lol. first time i hear that. Def' will try. Useful link as well. Says 13.3 hours of light in my area. In general, thanks. Another thing i need help with is a 'word'. & that word is 'yield'. Lol not quite sure what it means... ?


Well-Known Member
Its a good thing to have a lot of, People refer to the amount of buds they get out of their grow as yield.


Well-Known Member
Can tell its your first year, lol. Bro the choppers(if thats what u heard) wern't looking for your plants ,they're hard enough for cops to find in broad daylight let alone in the fucken dark, leave them out.As for the plants they look good bit of dust blew on them


Active Member
i know your sketched out about ze chopper, but you might want to consider adding more plants. it seems like your growing from bagseed, so chances are that your plant could be a male and you wasted all this time. if your worried about people seeing them try to LST them. and that dust on them could be pollen, i noticed it on my plants when i put them outside. and also what is that little plant near the bottom of the stem? you might wana pull it out