New here, Noob growing question


Okay, no connects all that, I have to grow I have seeds I figure I will use my attic above my house to grow 2 or 3 small plants just for a personal yeild of and ounce or two. what are the alternatives for lighting, I only have 50.00 $ to spend on this whole project as far as lighting. so don't tell me you get what you put in or you have to have this or that
I repeat 50 bucks is all I have to spend for lights for the whole project what should I get?


Well-Known Member
For $50. you have to go CFL... your yield will be small but its doable... I've easily vegged two plants using 2 X 26W CFL (cool/day 6500L) on a Y splitter... $ 15.. now for flower this is where you spend as much as you can... 26/46 w (warm 2700) get as many as you can.. if you get 26 & 46w'ers use 46 overhead and 26 at the side and lower to help fill lower and avoid some stretching...
With the $$ hard.. but possible.. Luck.

* once you start.. get cheap basic nutes.. 10-10-10 or 20-20-20 veg.. 10-52-10 flow. these are about $7 each and at any walmart..etc.. just be careful.. these are strong nutes...