New Help?


Picking up cotton Candy Candy, Pineapple Express and Blue Dream clones tomorrow. I have 5 gallon grow bags in Tupur soil. Any suggestions or directions are sincerely appreciated.


Thanks BKB! I'm beyond excited and anxious to learn and share as I go. I will make mistakes being a 1st timer for sure. My plans are to share my experience from seed/clone to my bong.


Well-Known Member
Pre- water your soil before you put the plants in dont be afraid to get your hands in there and mix everything up and break chunks of soil,,,,, dont over water just get it wet but not pooling .. And wait until its completely dry before watering again Oh and check the clones for mites


Well-Known Member
No prob man ,, good luck . Theres nothing to it but patience. Sometimes excruciating patience
And you dont ' have to water before you plant but it does a better job of getting the soil evenely moist.


Great stuff Warrior. Im up early to find the neem solution.

Off point for a minute, for a sleeping aid for insomnia Diamond OG works pretty good.

I'll really need patients with this crazy ass OC weather and wondering wtf El Ninos gonna deliver.
