New hampshire guerillaz needed


Active Member
i wanted to know if it would be possible to grow outdoors in new hampshire , i am asking this because its part of the country that barely gets 18 hours of light in the summer , and im not sure if the soil is any good. should i just buy a bag of soil and start them indoors then transfer after some substantial vegetative growth


Well-Known Member
It's definitely possible. First step is to forget everything you know about indoor flowering cycles. They don't apply to outdoor. Unless you are in Alaska, you aren't going to get 18/6 or 20/4 outdoors. Second, they will start flowering long before it's 12/12 outside.

Veg inside a few weeks, take outside mid-May. Flowering starts late July or early August.

If your soil is shit you are either going to have to grow in buckets or dig large holes and fill with bag soil. Buckets are ok for small to medium sized plants, but the problem is they dry out pretty fast.


Active Member
@sonar thanks man if the soil gets to dry ill have immediate access to my spot , i planned on veggin indoors for about 3 weeks setting them outdoors for a couple hours each day and increase the hours as time goes by. for my outdoor grow i wnated to by osme ff soil but i wnated some opinions about happy frog vs. ocean forest


Well-Known Member
get the strong and healthy before planting outdoors, all the jump you can get on the veg cycle the better. iv seen em hit with frost in the first week of june before so dont get out to early. this year the weather is kinda screwy, it might be possible to get them out before june, but im not counting on it.

mixing up a supersoil will help a lot outdoors no matter what. just because its north doesnt mean its cold all summer. it will still hit high 80's 90's, and go days with out water. use some water crystals (the small granules not the chunky ones). and plan on making sure you dont leave them all on theyre own.
i prefer something thats going to finish early, the morning dew is nasty mold welcome matt.

watch out for rippers, them fukn fukrs...


Active Member
thanks brother do you have any opinions on those silica beads that supposedly enhance the might for the plant to grow in extreme conditions? and i just lost a jar of some curing grand. purps. very bad day


Active Member
it supposedly enhances the plants strenght to survive in extreme conditions , like to cold or to hot i guess, and thanks to unohu69 guess an hour a day wasnt enuff for them started seein mold so i just chucked it


Well-Known Member
yeah Protekt isnt just for climate swings tho. it helps the plant build up immunity to some diseases, and some pests. kinda like a shot of vitamin C for your plants. lol

Protekt WILL raise your Ph level quite a bit, so i add it to my nute mix to bring the ph from like 5.8-6.4 up to a 6.8-7 (im in soil)

bud nugbong

Well-Known Member
Get ready for some hard work, but keep it to yourself and you should reap the rewards in the end. do your reasearch and keep track of what you are doing and you should be fine.

This is a min height you want to bring them out at, you dont want a slug to be able to wipe one out when they are youngins. Its surprising how good/fast they can grow outdoors around these parts.milky 002.jpg


Active Member
i was just wondering becuase im from negril jamaica where growing outdoors is close to the easiest thing fertile soil, good sunlight and if you promise some of the local thugs an ounce they bring there boys and guns to watch your field but here the game has changed lot more city colder no intense sunlight so my baby sativas are definately not gunna be able to thrive here so im switchin to indica.


Well-Known Member
A friend of mine calls his smoke "Run of The Hill". He has grown outdoors for 10 years in Northern NH. He has 20 or so plants spread around the side of a mountain with none being in visible distance of the other. Definetely starts them early indoors. Every year he inbreeds a plant and saves the seeds for next year. He always has Great smoke.


Active Member
well i havent visited nh yet ive never even been to america or anywhere outside of jamaica, im thinking of buying them off the internet because i will be there for quite sometime , i woud like your guys opinions becuase you all know america


Active Member
i was just wondering becuase im from negril jamaica where growing outdoors is close to the easiest thing fertile soil, good sunlight and if you promise some of the local thugs an ounce they bring there boys and guns to watch your field but here the game has changed lot more city colder no intense sunlight so my baby sativas are definately not gunna be able to thrive here so im switchin to indica.
See my thread from last year. Nh guerrilla unite!