New guy needs help building (please)!

depending on what light/lights will determine the fans..but oscillating fans and clip ons are good for air circulation and stem build will need exhaust and intake to bring in fresh air


Well-Known Member
I grew in soil for the first 2 years, I fucking hated harvest time and finding a place to dump all that dirt. Results were never what I expected and it took just too darn long for me, I like instant gratification and will pay for it. So anyway I started my first hydro in self made bubblers and really liked the results, especially the rapid veg. Started experimenting with making clones until I had that down pat then my bro and I took the plunge and spent 10 grand on 3 hydro sytems which we have spread out amongst several properties we own. Now after dialing in this current strain its all pretty easy barring any disasters we have harvests each month of around a pound, so its all good.

Carbon filters with an inline fan sucking all exhaust air through it is the best filter to get. Def need osc fan on tops of plants to make stems strong like bull to carry massive bud weight.