New growth on clones, does this mean they're rooted


Well-Known Member
They were in jiffy pellets for a week and a half, and then I re-cut and just put them back in the peet pellets and put those in soil, so I can't tell if there's roots. One has been growing really slow for about 3 days, and the other just started growing yesterday and has outgrown it's dome. Does this mean they have roots?
ive had them in a dome untill i made this thread, now they are under the shade of mommy. will this be ok or should i keep the domes on longer?

pic 1 and 2 is plant 1
pic 3 and 4 is plant 2

plant 2 seemed like it was just staying the same size untill yesterday, after that its already surpassed the slightly larger one and like i said outgrown its dome... plant 1 has been growing just a tiny tiny bit every day, but no growth spur like plant 2.


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yea, any help would be sweet, i would take this to noob area but imafraid ill get yelled at for making more than one post...
They look pretty good and putting them under mom is fine if they are actually growing out of the dome. Keep them there for a couple days and let them harden off or get used to the atmosphere. In my opinion I would let the soil go pretty dry not starving them but to give the roots a reason to reach out in search of water. Also opinion, even though your soil visibly looks nice and rich I might put a bunch of perlite and vermeculite in the next run so the roots on your clones can be sure to get a bit more oxygen than what just soil lets through. I think it looks like you did good. Alot of leaves with a minimal amount yellowing for that amount of foilage. Hope this makes sense-helps since I am completly baked.
lol thanks alot guys, i kinda figured out that if you take your dome off one that might not be all the way rooted (plant 1) it fuckin droops... i had them both under mom in the same lighting, after a few hours plant 2 was still lookin great, but yea plant 1 drooped perty bad, so i put the dome back over them, ill do it for another day maybe for plant 2 and however long it takes for plant 1 to show some good new growth.

you cant see it but there is a decent amount of vermiculite in it, what i did was make a small dip in the soil and place my jiffy pellet in the dip, then broke up the jiffy a little, since there was no roots and i recut it was ok... so what you see on top is just peat, under that is the soil. but yes i should probly throw some more verm in there, i didnt use any more than it came with.

i got all the soil wet when i potted it and havent wet it since, the domes i have on the pots keep the surface of the soil moist but cracking, so theres alot of space for air to get to them at this point, lets just hope plant 1 shows some improvement soon.

i also have 2 seedlings under my mother, are they ok under a 400w mh or should i just keep them in the shade of mom till they grow some good leafage?
yeah man you got it, when i make clones what i notice is that the ones where the leaves yellow first are the ones growing roots, but if you have new growth then your good
there was alot of realy perfect looking yellowing on both when i first took then but didnt root, this time only the first set of leaves turned all the way yellow and fell off. but it was a different kind of yellowing... idkm hard to explain.