New growth is stunted, turning yellow/brown and appear to be dying.


New Member
Thanks in advance for any help.

The following question is in regards to my vegetation room. It started with just one plant and has spread throughout the garden . All my new shoots are turning yellow and eventually brown and not really growing at all. When they do, slowly grow the leaves are deformed with curls and yellow spots. I have attached pics and will list my specs below.

Plants 6 weeks in Veg and is an indica dominant variety, actually have been growing that same plant for 5 years now. It's a beast so this latest development is quiet troubling. I would greatly appreciate any input and/or advice.

I Veg under a 4 bulb badboy T-5 with new(ish) bulbs. This is the room the problem is occurring in but for sake of stats the bloom room rocks a 1k HPS.

I grow in foxfarm organic dirt mixed with a little lime to resolve past ph problems.

I use advanced nutrients; bloom, micro, bloom, b-52, Roots Excelurator, and a dab of pH up to a concentration starting around 350ppm to 800ppm when I transfer to blooom

Temps range from 74-F to 84-F on an average day with an average humidity at 56%. Great circulation as well.

As you can see from the Pictures below I problems with all the the top/side new growth stunting, turning yellow, making the leaves curl as well as develop spots. It started with one plant and has spread through the garden. I just flushed and got the ppm's in the run off down to around 200ppm's, but that was earlier today.

Hoping someone has run into a similar problem and help me out. Thanks in advance and let the trees grow!

Hi had something very similar to this myself last week though not to sure if yours is caused by the same thing, I knew mine was because of poor light as I had to keep them in a room which received little light throughout the day while I was sorting out the room, since being under stronger light new growth is back to normal green and healthy, sorry I didn't have an answer for ur problem hope they bounce back for ya good luck


Well-Known Member
Your most likely feeding to much or chasing pH by fixing what isn't broke. In closed systems like bubble, dwc, etc hydro nutrients are best. When growing in soil, traditional fertilizers based on manure and meals perform better.


New Member
Thank you, I will cut back on the nutes and see if I see any improvement.

I don't think it is a light issue, as the badboy has been vegging beautifully for me for years. Also, back when I did have a light issue I noticed I would get very large fan leaves. Since upgrading to the badboy T5 it doesn't happen anymore and have, till now have had great success vegging with it.

Thank you guys very much for the advice, the way it spread across my plants I was worried that it was a disease or type of fungus.

harris hawk

Well-Known Member
incorrect ventilation and air circulation will cause "stunted" growth, and one sign of "N" toxicity ( cal-mag) leaves look like a "claw" Add you "N" of all nutrients of 3 part and cal-mag to much "N" flush for one week and foliage feed 2x's in one week to stop nutrient lock-out