New growth has curled leaves?


Active Member
Its been growing almost a month. Just started feeding her nutes 3 days ago for the 1st time. What could be causing the new growth to have curled leaves?:weed:


See the purpling of the leaf stems... likely your P and/or K. The lighter yellow with minor ridging & curling is what my babies do when hungry for nutes & then I give it to them in one big shot. It stresses them a little. The curl will go away over the week, or at least straighten back up. Additional new growth should be fine within a few days. Just be cautious on over feeding her as this is always much more difficult to address. I feed light, keep them a little hungry, no ppm spikes and/or pH flux. Best brah... should be much better tomorrow & more so the next, but if not, repost brah!


Active Member
I water my plants every 2 days. It cant be over watering. Possibly lack of nutes forsure. I just feed them for the 1st time 3 days ago. I give em some nutes tomorow


Active Member
See the purpling of the leaf stems... likely your P and/or K. The lighter yellow with minor ridging & curling is what my babies do when hungry for nutes & then I give it to them in one big shot. It stresses them a little. The curl will go away over the week, or at least straighten back up. Additional new growth should be fine within a few days. Just be cautious on over feeding her as this is always much more difficult to address. I feed light, keep them a little hungry, no ppm spikes and/or pH flux. Best brah... should be much better tomorrow & more so the next, but if not, repost brah!
So i feed my two plants with nutes on sunday. Kinda hoping for the leaves to straightin up a bit, but still no results. Gotta wait till thursday till next feed with nutes but today i will water them with distilled water. :peace:


Active Member
Not sure about how much you are watering. I am a novice myself but what I did was cut a finger sized hole in the bottom of my containers so I can stick my pinky in and make sure I am not over watering.
From everything I have read so far and experienced first hand; get a water testing kit. Keep your PH as constant as possible to prevent nute lock up. I have a water softener in front of my well, I was adding sodium to my plants and hammering them. Now I am straight from the ground and adjust my PH as needed. As well, any time released fert's/soil is a real killer! Stay away from that MG type stuff. Some people claim success (awesome on them), most of battle with it.
Also, be patient. This plant is amazing at how it responds, but if you like me and a first timer, it gets REAL easy to get hooked on every yellow leaf or any little droop. Yeah, the plants are telling us things, but on their own terms. Give it time to let the story un-fold and take lots of good, crisp pics. People here will READILY help you out if they have good, concise info. "One night more" will not kill this plant. It is a weed after all..
Trust me, I have put a few plants through hell already, and believe it or not, they rebounded WELL...

Check my attached pic. That plant (which is now dead, sorry male plant), was on the brink quite a few times. It started in MG, got transplanted a couple times, flushed a couple times (hell, I fell on it once hanging mylar!)...this is a hearty plant if you don't take TOO much care of it...

And now, this n00b goes back to the corner to read more (and take care of a minor light leak..grrrr...)


Active Member
That was a nice speech man. I give you props forsure buddy. My leaves just started to straightin out last night randomly. All the sudden they were straight we i went to peep em out. Definatly happy now. Hopfully they keep straighting out because they still got some curl to them.