New Growth Browning / Pistols Oranging - Sulfur Burn?


Well-Known Member
Ok so i had some spidermites and bourght a spray to get rid of them which had sulfur in it. Accidently left them under the light with the solution, the affect kind of looks like heat burn or light burn like a orange/brown bleaching to some of the leaves(Mainly all new shoots) Theyre a lil wilted but havnt dryed up and have dulled in colour at the most minimal symptom, also *some pistols have turned orange

Does anyone know if the new growth will be ok? Or if its just fucking killed all the flowers?


Well-Known Member
If its really bad and your one week in you need to think if you want to waste the next 6 to 9 weeks flowering them out and having problems or just starting over and hitting a fatter smoother crop.


Well-Known Member
Tbh it looks like the plant will survive as it looks worse on 1 of the 4 and some of the others look near to fine..

But then it also looks like it could develope and get alot worse. I'll have to get pics for you, what you mentioned is already an option as we have vegging plants ready to go but its just a shame :|



this happened to me.... kinda of. i left the sulfur burnign on all night after accedentally passing out. can you help me? what helped your plants?

thanks dude