New growth and leaves curling under and thinning out?! Whats going on? Pics included.

Clones were fine until abt 3 days ago..leaves started shrivelling nd thinning o2012-11-25_09-45-05_462.jpg2012-11-25_09-45-48_943.jpgut almost as if a claw look. I researched for a while and found the two most common things are over watering and ph issues. My ph is 6.5 and i only water when pots are light to the touch so over watering is not the issue either. Anybody else ever have this goin on with theyre grow? I am in early veg growing in soil with general organics whole nute line. Temp is consistently at 77 degrees humidity is abt 35 (could be better). They have been on the light feed schedule so far so over fert cant be the issue either. Any help or light u guys can shed is greatly appreciated
Thanks for the reply. Thats weird this is only the first week of using nutes i have been just giving ro water up til then. My soil is ffof ancient forest humus pearlite and castings. Very basic.

smoke and coke

Well-Known Member
i would start by going up with pot size and give it a good watering. and try and get the RH up a little or water a little more often.


Well-Known Member
Just for the sake of trying check your runoff looks like ph is high. Also may need some more mag in the mix.


Well-Known Member
The plant curls it leafs down decreasing the total surface area of the leaf to retain moisture. Temperature, Moisture. Nutrients Pests, and Disease.
To strong of nutrients can make a plants leafs curl down.
Spider mites or other pests will attack the plant making the plant curls it's leafs down.
Temperature, and Humidity will make your plants leafs curl down.
Tobacco Mosaic Virus (TMV)- if you smoke, and handle your plants with-out washing your hands
there is a potential of giving your plants TMV. It will make your leafs curl down.

If I can't get a sick plant healthy after a month. I toss it. Especially if its just a seedling.
You just have to go through the hoops.
Are the other plants you have curling there leafs down?
If so it could be something general.
Look at your temperature, and humidity.
if it's all your plants.
Maybe the water you use (City water= BAD)
Flush your plant. Maybe you have to high concentration of nutrients.
Bugs. look at your underside of your leafs for pests.
It is a few of my plants not all but up until this week they have been getting just plain well water. I do have a softener etc. But they seemed to be taking to it fine. Nothing new has been done. Kind of a brain teazer lol