New growing idea!!


Active Member
I support you a 100% couse im really fucking baked right now

obs: "you just made it 10x funnier!"


Well-Known Member
After reading this, I am laughing so hard my face hurts.

WAIT! I have an idea. You could quit washing your ears and let a lot of dirt build up, and then stick some seeds in your ears and grow them there. The roots could feed on your brain. Hell Yes!!!


Well-Known Member
LMAO if you put the seed deep enough it might grow towards your brain... you'd literally have weed coming out your ears.


Well-Known Member
dude holy shit yall are dicks hes ust trying to come up with a new fucking idea back the fuck off


Well-Known Member
I was just kidding. I have seen posts on this forum where people are growing a plant in a shot glass, This is not that far fetched of an idea. If he is near a rural area, he could go to a feed store or farmers coop and get a syringe that they use on cattle or horses. They are really big and the hole in the end would be ideal for drainage. It could work if someone wanted to try something differant for fun. So, maybe you ought to save up your money and buy a fucking sense of humor dude. If you are this easily offended I am sure you are a joy to be around, so watch the name calling. If you are really growing anything, maybe you should smoke some of it and chill a little.