New Grower

New here. First grow. Let me know how I'm doing. Started as fem seed. Ended up with six girls. Veg under grow lux Florence and Dr Otte lite CFLs were only about a foot when I switched pots and put them under 1000 watt hps. Switched lighting from 24 too 12/12 gradually over two weeks. Plants shot up too about 3 feet. Been flowering for three
! Using MG liquid plant food half strength. " I know a big no no" but it's working we'll. as well I just broke up some jobes food spikes 4/4/4 around the top of the soil befor I water. have some compost going, gonna make a nice tea for there next feed. Should I continue with the MG as well? Gonna put up pics as soon as I figure out how??? Lol. And right after I find my lighter and smoke this. bongsmilie



Well-Known Member
hey man, nice im a total newb myself..... but it does look like on youre first pic that shes getting too much nitrogen as her leaves are fairly dark and clawed at the tips kind of like this pic.....
but in the more recent ones they look nice and happy clawing doesnt seem as bad..... good luck tho :)




Active Member
A nice indica heavy strain, looks yum.
Suttina smoke at night and lay your ass out.
Do you know the name of the strain?
And welcome to RiU, lookin good.
yeah your right. altho it seems too change over night sometimes. but it has gotten better for sure. i did a ph check and also N it was very high lol. the ph was perfect tho:leaf:!


Well-Known Member
What is the NPK of the MG food you are doing? I would probably cut it out myself for flowering and go with something with less N. That said she looks great, leaves look healthy to me.
thank you! Ive been using MG all purpose liquid plant food 8-7-6. Ive desided too dis continue it and just go with the jobes spikes 4-4-4 broken up around the surface. And the wonderfull tea i have been brewing. thanx again for the advice. i will keep posting more pics. Oh I was also wondering, i currently have six girls under 1000watt hps. how many could i fit given the space?:confused:


Well-Known Member
For the most count, other than for legal reasons, plant count is irrelevant. What you need to think about is the footprint. a 400w HPS is good for a 3x3 space. I cannot recall what the ideal footprint for a 100w HPS is, should be a simple search or someone may know. They you can either run a bunch of plants in smaller pots to fill up that foot print(called sea of green, SOG), or a smaller number of plants that are trained (LST) and possible using a net to control the canopy (Screen of green, SCROG).

People have different preferences based on what works for them. From what I understand, you can technically get more yield per square foot with SOG since it requires a shorter amount of Veg time, this would also be less expensive since you spend more time in 12/12 than 18/6.

I run a single plant in a 2x2 with a 400W HID, I get a decent yield with only a 5 week veg from clone.
Right on I will look into that for sure. I would like too try many different combos of lights for my next grow. I really liked the results from the grow floresence and cfls i found. i also have these spot grows and i am going to get some LEDs as well.:weed: Im addicted lol.

heres a few recent pics. 4 weeks left!!


So looking good with 2 weeks left. Notas much as I would of liked and two of my plants got sic at the end. But Im very anxious and happy for the out come!
Thanx too everyone who helped me through this first one. i hope one day i can returne the favor!:peace:

Hey heres some pics of the trichs how are they doing you think ?3.jpg2.jpg1.jpg

Two WEEKS!! :blsmoke:


well... it is what it is. lol. they are coming down either way. i have no choice. I had too much N and in return ended up with what I have. Looks too be about a pound all together. 6 plants 1000 watt hps shoulda done much better. the healthy plants have a much nicer looking dence as hell bud. the sic ones are more fluffy and leafy but covered in trichs:)!
Either way im happy! Ive allready had a tast so i Know its good bud. And we also have too remember Im dealing with a OG kush strain witch is known for small yields. But the herb is bomb!! my big mistake was not letting them get tall enoff during veg and the first part of flowering. Its meant too be a tall plant. But live and learn my friend.