New Grower

Alright so I am new to this, and I am about 2 and a half months into my grow. I've chopped the first three levels off and three new ones have grown in their place. So I have 6 leaves so far and it's about 6'' tall at about 3 months in and I'm worried my plant isn't going to make it. I don't believe in all that special treatment just all natural grow. It gets about 10 1/2 hours of light and i water it every 2 days or so. I switch between the suns light and artificial light. I have one 13W CFL bulb, Should I have more light on it? I used regular soil from the ground and its growing in a 5'' round pot and about 3 1/2'' tall. So far I see no deficiencies in my plant, although the leaves are a light green. I'm not sure if this is normal or not. I will come back in a couple of weeks and I should have the sex of the plant by then. Please stay tuned.
:leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf: :leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf:P010313_1932.jpg


Active Member
You need alot man sunlight works if you can get more then 16 hours of it and 13w light is way to little your pot size is to small. My plants look like that after 3 weeks get more light on it and you willl see a big change


Well-Known Member
I would suggest reading some threads on growing for more info u seem to be struggling.....
Thats my grow thread it has quite a bit of info in it for a first gtower like me
Thanks for the info guys. I'm just gonna wait it out and see how it grows. If all fails I will look for solutions. Stay tuned though.


Well-Known Member
Keep on treating it like this and I'm afraid it's going to give you nothing. :(



Well-Known Member
Yeah man you are a long way off to actually growing something worth the time/effort of growing.
If you are going to do it, why not just try to do it right and end up with product worth smoking?

You need about 300 more watts of that cfl bulb.
You need to transplant into atleast a 2 gallon pot, even bigger would be better.
Why even bother topping it? Instead of getting 2.5 grams of weed (if you are lucky) you will get 2.7 grams of weed (if you are lucky).

Read some "how to grow MJ" articles and you will see just how far off you are.
Well thanks for your input. Remember this is a learning experience for me, what ever goes wrong this time. I will make sure I correct the second time. Althor, I getting ready to transfer it to a bigger pot and I know as it gets older it will need more light. I'm making changes as I go. Also how often should I water it?


Well-Known Member
Ya thats a 1 gal though i im using gallon and a half jugs and my plants are like 16 inch tall
Alright I am starting to get these little white hairs coming out of the crevices. I have planted it into 8x6 pot and it is now in organic Miracle grow. It is starting to take off, any suggestion on what I should have light wise. One 13w light bulb is not enough I know, what would be the appropriate wattage and how many?


Well-Known Member
Go to the newbies area and readup. You are losing light if it is sitting open. You need, imho, 2-3 more lights and need to make sure they are the correct spectrum for veg phase. You need to give it 18 hours of light per day until you are read to flower. This little girl looks like she has a long way to go to get to that point. Then you go 12 hrs light and 12 COMPLETE darkness. My test set up was better, she looked like that, and I got about 1/8 oz off of her. Great for first grow to be to learn and that is what I did. But I wish I had come here first because I could have done better.


Well-Known Member
I'd go for at least 100w over your plant. Then you will really see it take off. I totally understand its a learning experience, but do you really want to take this plant through the whole way to yield a spliffs worth?
Ok here's an update on what my plant looks like now. It's starting to get buds. As you can see there is a, what looks like another plant growing off the side. Could I plant that in new soil and clone my plant? If so, how do I go about doing that.
( I want intelligent answers)


Well-Known Member
I'd get the walls painted white or some kind of reflective material..and more lights! ;)