New Grower


okay i have 6 bagseed seedlings goin on pretty good in jiffy pots at the moment there outside waiting for me to get payed to make a veg cfl fixture for them i have a grow room set up in a cupboard in a caravan in my back yard whish is 1.4 m high .6m width .4m in depth its covered with panda film and has 2 normal cupbooard vents with 2 computer fans and a little desk fan in there for veg im gunna have 2 100w cfls and flowering ill have 400w hps im using a dwc bucket system havnt got any nutrients or a medium yet either

your welcome to ask questions


Tyler Durden 77

Active Member
im trying to save money dont really want a high electricity bill

dude that 400 will raise ur bill maybe 10-25 dollars if its on 24 hours a day! MAYBE! but 30 bucks in 3 months for rewards the plenty! i dunno ,
I jus think 400 all the way but im greedy! Good Luck:bigjoint:

Tyler Durden 77

Active Member
Uhh why are they outside? how hot is it there mate.
Make sure they dont dry up

:dunce: uuuhhhhh yeah. misse that! what r they doing outside??? what do u do at nite? u said u have no lites yet? sounds suspect? more details please... more deatiled the prob... more detailed the answ!:bigjoint:


25bucks aye?
i fort i wouldhave been way more hmm i might just do that but i dont know
i live in Australia our lighting bills may be different? cuz ive had a few mates say its
a bit pricey to have hps goin


New Member
Naw, man you're right for using (as long as they're daylight) cfls for veg and hps for flower.
For 1 you do save on electricity
For 2 the cfl will keep it more compact then hps. Hps in veg makes for a streched out plant, more so than the daylight 6500k cfl.
For 3 it will give it a dramatic boost when going into flower than having the hps the whole time.
you will prolly need a bigger fan for the heat of the 400 in your box, they get really hot in small spaces. Hopefully not though.
Good luck

Tyler Durden 77

Active Member
Naw, man you're right for using (as long as they're daylight) cfls for veg and hps for flower.
For 1 you do save on electricity
For 2 the cfl will keep it more compact then hps. Hps in veg makes for a streched out plant, more so than the daylight 6500k cfl.
For 3 it will give it a dramatic boost when going into flower than having the hps the whole time.
you will prolly need a bigger fan for the heat of the 400 in your box, they get really hot in small spaces. Hopefully not though.
Good luck

:dunce: yeah sure.... but thats why u supper crop! LST, FIM, or jus Top the sob! HPS will stretch if u dont suppercrop! BTW i think u wanna lil stretch when u LST? but HPS will provide a FULLER spectrum of light!

I jus always assume everyone is trying to grow the best, most dense, most compact, potent, bomb ass smoke? if hes got the HPS he should use it! Why get a sudden boost when u can have stong consistant growth??? i dunno? yeah it will stay more compact wit CFL's (lol) real compact! 2in growth in 4 weeks??? or HPS 6in growth in 4 weeks??? and that with being fim'ed???? not tryng to offend, or discredit ur advise, as i am sure u have found sucess in "ur way".... however dont b so quit to discount other methods as they may have found similar or perhapb more success than u? IN MY HUMBLE OPINION! but WTF do i know, its jus my opinion.
A better idea may be to get a 400 mh light to accompany the hps and use both the whole way through!!! (sorry to hate on the cfl's jus nevr been a fan, know they work jus anit me)

GOOD LUCK and continued success
I use 3 100w replacement cfls with 2 60 watt replacement cfls on a home made fixture, and 2 75 watt replacement flouro tube lights for side lighting and my plants grow half an inch a day :/


New Member
:dunce: yeah sure.... but thats why u supper crop! LST, FIM, or jus Top the sob! HPS will stretch if u dont suppercrop! BTW i think u wanna lil stretch when u LST? but HPS will provide a FULLER spectrum of light!

I jus always assume everyone is trying to grow the best, most dense, most compact, potent, bomb ass smoke? if hes got the HPS he should use it! Why get a sudden boost when u can have stong consistant growth??? i dunno? yeah it will stay more compact wit CFL's (lol) real compact! 2in growth in 4 weeks??? or HPS 6in growth in 4 weeks??? and that with being fim'ed???? not tryng to offend, or discredit ur advise, as i am sure u have found sucess in "ur way".... however dont b so quit to discount other methods as they may have found similar or perhapb more success than u? IN MY HUMBLE OPINION! but WTF do i know, its jus my opinion.
A better idea may be to get a 400 mh light to accompany the hps and use both the whole way through!!! (sorry to hate on the cfl's jus nevr been a fan, know they work jus anit me)

GOOD LUCK and continued success

Hey no worries dude, if that works for you its great, but I've done a side by side comparison and the Cfl's make better spacing for the bud sites and keep it more tight and compact structure. Mh is really the way to go, but I don't 'wanna pay that much for the electric bill, when I can get almost the same growth with cfls. So I wasn't putting anyones way down, just stating facts.................also hps doesn't give fuller spectum of light, it pretty much only uses orange/red spectum, you get no blue spectum, which is what plants thrive on for vegitative state.

Tyler Durden 77

Active Member
I use 3 100w replacement cfls with 2 60 watt replacement cfls on a home made fixture, and 2 75 watt replacement flouro tube lights for side lighting and my plants grow half an inch a day :/

:wall: yeah no doubt. Sorry kinda being an ass, jus know that the HPS is better(in my mind) but im sure u can get good grows out of CFL's ;-)

Tyler Durden 77

Active Member
Hey no worries dude, if that works for you its great, but I've done a side by side comparison and the Cfl's make better spacing for the bud sites and keep it more tight and compact structure. Mh is really the way to go, but I don't 'wanna pay that much for the electric bill, when I can get almost the same growth with cfls. So I wasn't putting anyones way down, just stating facts.................also hps doesn't give fuller spectum of light, it pretty much only uses orange/red spectum, you get no blue spectum, which is what plants thrive on for vegitative state.



okay just put me 400w hps in me little grow room lol only just fitted in
as i said above its 1.4m high .6m long and .4m in width
and some a update of the little buggers chillen outside 1 week old
in jiffy pots still, some roots are coming though the bottom



Well-Known Member
I'm doing almost the same grow with the same dimensions, but i'm in a closet. I like those vents you have on the top and bottom. I assume your going to place fans in them for in-line at the bottom and exhaust at the top. I'm using panda plastic as well, do you plan on placing reflect material inside?

I'll definitely be following


holy shit i gave it a run in there with my plants for about 20mins and i came back for a check it was like a bloody
oven in there i will definitly not be putting my plants in there again untill i get a good exhaust system goin
my plants were all bent over and wilted the jiffy pots were almost fully dryed out so i gave em a water and put em back
outside i think i might have only just saved them lets hope for the best


okay today i went and got me self some perlite and vermiculite i think its called
with some ionic grow and bloom nutrients

ill update with pics every australian monday
