new grower with yellow leaves and burn spots


i have no clue whats wrong, plant is presenting with pale yellow leaves, and lots of burn spots mostly around the veins. at first i thought i was my nute spray until HPS lights but i stopped that and my plant has not gotten any better. if anyone knows what it might be or how to fix it i would appreciate it.

tried attaching pictures but it wont load.
raise your light to 25 inches when foliar feeding , wait till the plants are dry then light can go back , there is also a water additive you can buy to help prevent this and lastly nute spray once a week and use plain water in between - if the leaves arent absorbing the nutes they will just sit there like salt burning away .

Supreme Skunk

Active Member
if you dont have very good air moving through between the hps and the plant then they could be from some heat combined with your nute spray


if you dont have very good air moving through between the hps and the plant then they could be from some heat combined with your nute spray

i have a fan on it always but the problem is that the light was 18 inches away, but the plant has grown remarkably since then, and i cant move it up any high due to the ceiling, i thought plants in flowering stage werent suppost to grow too much....