New grower with more things than he can handel NEEDS ADVISE!!!

ok i have a few plants that are needing some questions.

1st off i have done nothing but used my own made soil... containing the right amount of differnt nutrients bla bla bla yea... ok all are about 1 month old.

1st problem. Ill post pictures to help if needed. IDk if this is pollen or just a bug putting his shit on my plants, but what is the white kinda lint looking stuff that will appear sometimes on the stem of my plants?

2nd problem. When do I top them? what else sould i do for these outdoor monsters?

3rd problem. i am trying to figure out the easyest wayt to put a plant out in the middle of nowhere and never go back to see it? ( 50 gallon drum in the ground??? or does that even work??)


5TH how the fuck do i keep all these deer from eating my babys. i have lost 15 this year to overnight death i guess......

6th i have indoor 1000w hps light.... would it be a good idea to start them under the light and them move them out doors?

7th. Can i clone this early in the process.. 1month....

8th. if any experience outdoor grower had any tips on simple things to make your bud biggers please.. post i will read all

THANks in advance guys this is gonna help alot!

ps. last year i spent the whole time growing one plant and only getting 1 bowl pack


Well-Known Member
post your pics it will help...

i ll help with a couple of the ????... 1st you can top anytime above 4 nodes...clone anytime as lone as the branch has 3 or more nodes...put up some type of chicken wire around your area to try and help prevent them getting munched on...depends on the type of bugs in your dirt...i get gnats sometimes but nothing to bad so i really dont worry about them...hope this helped a lil...


Well-Known Member
1. If it's around the base of the stem in the soil, just get rid of it and rough up the soil right there
2. You don't need to top, it ends up waisting time. But if you do want to, do it after the 4th node, which if they're a month old should be at now.
3. Don't use a drum, just dig a big hole. I hear the ultimate capacity of a marijuana root system is 6x8 feet.
4. Depends on what kind of bugs. Pill Bugs and Worms are wonderful to have in the soil.
5.The deer tend to like the young, tender plants. I use moth balls and Irish Spring soap, works great. If that doesn't do it, you can try products like Deer-Off made with a putrid egg solution. If that doesn't work, a fence made of fishing line, one maybe 1 foot off the ground, one at 3 feet and one at 6 feet.
6. It is a good idea to start them indoors for a few weeks, but it's not such a good idea to start plants under a 1000w, I'd use some CFLs.
7. Sure, if they're big enough, I wouldn't take away from/stunt the growth of my outdoor babes, but that doesn't mean you can't.
8. PHOSPHORUS. I've heard things like sugar as well (molasses, cane sugar, brown sugar) I just use a nice Bud/Flower/Fruiting nutrient, typically Bat Guano or Bone Meal.
And Pics are ALWAYS helpful. Good luck!


Well-Known Member
Oh, and for Question 3, you'll have to set up some kind of watering system....being the hardest part about planting and leaving it.
kk well what about the white lint looking stuff on the stock is? (sorry no pics i just havnt been out there today its been raining )... and when i top can i just dip it in rooting gel and plant it into a pot? would it start to root and all? could i just plant the top of the plant right after i clone it? lol....


Well-Known Member
Dunno what that white stuff your talking about is..I've only experienced stuff similar to the characteristics you've explained, on top of my soil, near the base of my stem, but not on the stem, I'm sure someone can help you out once you get a Pic up. As for the cloning, I primarily bubble clone.. mostly because my soil cloning was mostly unsuccessful. BUT, what you can do is get some kind of transparent covering you can put atop your pot as a humidity dome, for rooting clones need LOTS of humidity. And yeah, basically cut off your clone (top) and sit it in some water for 10ish minutes, moisten your soil, apply your hormone, put it in the soil, get your makeshift humidity dome and spray a couple times under the dome, then set it. I think that should work.