New grower with a question


Well-Known Member
no. It's fine.

i was making sure i understood what you meant was all.
feeding to me means water & nutes where watering is only water.


Well-Known Member
Drooping is normal for the first 24-48 hours but a few of those look rough. Keep that humidifier pumping 24/7. Also your soil looks dry to me you want the soil to remain wet all the time with clones, never let it dry out like a normal vegging plant. Keep misting several times per day and i'm guessing you will save a few of those. I've seen a lot of miracles first hand from cloning ahahahaha. You won't need to add any nutrients to the soil for a couple weeks at least and when you do go with 1/2 strength the first couple feedings. I do like to use a VERY light foliar feed of Grow Big or Big Bloom to help the leaves take in TINY amounts of Phosphorus to encourage root growth. If you didn't use a rooting gel or powder I would suggest that. Hopefully in a couple days they will perk up.

Good luck don't give up that's a nice box you have ready to go there. If your mother plants are mature and under decent lighting you should be able to take cuttings every couple weeks.


Active Member
i have never seen clones in water before, i have always taken mine straight from a mother plant , straight into rooting hormone gel and then straight into a rockwool cube , then they sit in the holders that come with the cubes and in a tray with water, i mist them as often as possible and i have never lost a cutting (i have chucked some before that looked weak), drooping is normal and occures around day 2-3 after being clipped from its mother and they normally take around 24-48 hours to pick back up......i would remove those bags sit back, mist often and watch..........

313 Kronix

Active Member

I am now 72 hours into my first grow and have already had a huge hurdle to overcome for this crop. I lost all 4 of my Sour Diesels, 1 of my Carmelicious and both of my querkles on hanging onto their last legs.

Here is fresh pictures of what I have left that I just took:

As you can see here, I added a LED light to my setup to increase the room's temp. It was hanging out at around 72 degrees before and now it staying at about 76 degrees. Humidity stays at around 62% while the flap is closed and drops down to about 45% when I have the flap open to do mistings.

Here are the 3 surviving Chocolope plants (they are looking the best):

Here are the 2 surviving Carmelicious (notice how the lower leaves are looking yellowish? Whay is thatat?):

Here is the Querkle that I am hoping that might still be salvagable. I have this one sitting directly under the LED light:

And here is the other Querkle, it is looking in bad shape but it does have that really green new growth sprouting up so I am trying to be optimistic about it:

Anybody got any tips for me to salvage what is left of my crop?