New grower with a question

313 Kronix

Active Member
Hi. I just got 12 clones last night and now that I have them in their 1/2 gallon grow bags, sitting in Fox Farm's Happy Frog soil, they seem droopy. All leaves are drooping downward and a few are even a bit dry. I just watered with optimal ph level and temperature water and was just wondering how long it will be before they perk back up or if I just got myself a bad batch of clones.

Also, I have read in some threads here that some people grow with Fox Farm's Ocean Forest and don't use nutes, is this true? Can Fox Farm's Happy Frog do the same thing?

Another thing that I have been wondering but have been unable to find out about is; how often can I get clones from my mother plants? And about how many clones can I pull at a time from each mother plant?


Active Member
post some pictures of the plants , but newly rooted clones take time to bite, can cause tempory drooping, you can grow from start to finish with no nutes in quality soil and still grow nice plants, i have done ,post pics :) , you can clone your mother plants as often as you like , take as many as you want , inbetween tho, give her time to heal and re-grow new shoots,....


Well-Known Member
these clones you got...did they live in a high humidity area and now they don't?

that'll make em droop

313 Kronix

Active Member
To give a bit more background on the scenario;

I got 4 different strains and each strain (multiple plants of each strain) and they were transported in Gatorade bottles that were about 3/4 full of water and the roots of each plant were submersed in the water. Once I got them home I left them in the Gatorade bottles and placed them under my fluorescent lights and left them there for the rest of the night. Earlier this afternoon is when I took them out of the bottles and put them in the dirt. After putting the last one in dirt I then got a gallon of water and adjusted the ph and temp then let it sit on the counter. I was going to let it sit for 12 hours before watering the plants but about an hour and a half after preparing the water I went and looked at my new beautiful plants only to discover that they were all drooping. The Sour Diesel strain plants were even a little bit dry at the top. At this point I decided that 1 1/2 hours of the water sitting on the counter was good enough because my babies needed to eat, so I fed them. I also just misted them.

Another bit of info that might be a factor in this is that I have my fans located above the plants and blowing downward. I don't know if maybe the wind was making them droop so I have now shut those 2 fans off fr the time being until they get stronger and healthier looking again.


Active Member
still as i said above , keep them saturated until rooted in soil , PH wont affect them as much as you may think and i dont think the fan would cause them to droop, a calm breeze is good for your clones to help them grow strong stems and circulate the air....

313 Kronix

Active Member
post some pictures of the plants , but newly rooted clones take time to bite, can cause tempory drooping, you can grow from start to finish with no nutes in quality soil and still grow nice plants, i have done ,post pics :) , you can clone your mother plants as often as you like , take as many as you want , inbetween tho, give her time to heal and re-grow new shoots,....
I only have a pic of them last night while they were still in the Gatorade bottles. I will be able to get a new pic of them in about an hour and i will post those here when I do that. For now though, here is this pic of them from last night:

these clones you got...did they live in a high humidity area and now they don't?

that'll make em droop
Good question. I am unsure of how they were cloned, which method was used I mean.


Well-Known Member
I would be a little weary of trying to root them in happy frog soil.If anything i would use a pro mix without any nutes in it,better yet i would use starter plugs.There like composted tree bark or something like that.and i would invest in a starter tray with a dome.You want a high humidityatmoshere to clone your plants.keep your lights on 24/7 until they clone.Your flourences not you hidKeep them very moist.Also I would dip them in a rooting powder or clonex

313 Kronix

Active Member
Am I just witnessing transplant shock or am I looking at some serious issues?

Here are the pics I just took of my plants:



Well-Known Member
get some clear plastic bags and get them over those grow bags NOW!!!!!! Or you're gonna lose them. You need to create high humidity quick. If you cant find clear plastic then any will do for now.


313 Kronix

Active Member
get some clear plastic bags and get them over those grow bags NOW!!!!!! Or you're gonna lose them. You need to create high humidity quick. If you cant find clear plastic then any will do for now.

Ok, after reading this I went on a frantic search through my house for some clear plastic bags but was unable to find any. I did, on the other hand, find a humidifier. Would that work for that grow room for now? The room's size is 2'x4'x6'. The humidifier I found is a Vick's model.

Here is the humidifier:

313 Kronix

Active Member
I found some plastic bags but they are not clear. I put them over the plants and have the humidifier on full blast. I also turned off the exhaust fan for now because it is located at the top of my tent and the humidifier blows the mist upwards. What else can I do for tonight before I can get my hands on the proper equipment?



Well-Known Member
i suspect most would say, invert the bags and place them carefully into a trash can and start over?

they might make it though with due diligence however imo...the humidifier is nice...does that tent thing have a door on it?
I'd close it and check on em in a couple of hours when it was time to air them out again


Well-Known Member
yes...well with the humidifier in there with them the bags aren't really needed....
with your luck it's probably keeping the humid air away from the seedlings...
the feeding...well i donno...just hope it was a light feeding...

313 Kronix

Active Member
When I fed them I only gave them about a 1/3 of a 20 oz bottle of regular tap water that was ph and temp adjusted. You're probably right about my luck so I am gonna go remove the bags.