New Grower w/ Some Questions, Trying White Widow


Active Member
I bought the Dual Spectrum Bubbleponics™ Complete Kit
SH Hydroponics, Inc. > Dual Spectrum Bubbleponics™ Complete Kit

and 20 White Widow seeds from online.

How many seeds should I put in a each planter?
How strong will the smell be and what can I do to reduce the scent?
Do you leave the seeds in the pots or once they grow do you have to replant them in bigger pots? Also How much smokeable weed can I expect to see?

Any other recommendations for a first time grower.

Thanks for all your help and I'm sorry if any of these questions have already asked.



Well-Known Member
Did you opt for the light upgrade? I would'll definitely need it.

For smell, you'll need to have the whole setup in a closet or some sort of box/enclosure, then you can install an exhaust fan at the back or top of the box and attach a carbon filter (there's a DIY thread somewhere on here that shows you how to make one for $30) to the fan - the fan will pull air out of the cabinet and through the filter.

As far as yield goes, there's too many variables such as which strain you're growing, how much light you have, what nutes you use etc. With good light/nutes etc. you should be able to harvest 3-5oz every 2.5 months one would think.

I'd suggest having a read of the How to Grow Marijuana thread (look at the top - it's a sticky) before you germinate any seeds.


Active Member
For smell, you'll need to have the whole setup in a closet or some sort of box/enclosure, then you can install an exhaust fan at the back or top of the box and attach a carbon filter (there's a DIY thread somewhere on here that shows you how to make one for $30) to the fan - the fan will pull air out of the cabinet and through the filter.
Can you give me a link to that thread? Or atleast tell me what to search?

Thanks again,


Well-Known Member
Sure - here's a link on how to wire a PC fan to a wall adaptor - basically you cut the connectors off both the fan and the adaptor and just join the wires!

You'll need to work out what CFM rating fan you'll need. If you're going to use a carbon filter (which I recommend) then work out how much ventilation you need (below) and add say 25% just to be safe - because carbon filters create drag which effectively makes the fan less efficient. There's plenty of 12v 120mm PC fans that can do 100+CFM and are very quiet. This would easily be enough to change the air in a closet roughly 5 times a minute. Given you're using CFLs which create bugger-all heat, you'll only need to change the air once every 2-3mins.

Here's a link that'll help you work it out > How much ventilation do I need in my marijuana grow room?

and here's a link on how to build a carbon filter.

Ryoko Builds a DIY Activated Carbon Filter - 30 Minutes, $30 Dollars - The Garden's Cure

You can prob get away with no filter during the veg cycle but as soon as you start to flower you're gonna need some sort of odor control, especially if this is a stealth operation.

Good Luck!


Well-Known Member
you'd start the seedling off in the rockwool, then once they're a couple of inches tall you'd place the rockwool into the grow rocks which of course would be in the net pots.

you could buy a grow tent - do a google search or have a look on ebay.

OR if you're after something a little more stealth, buy a s/h closet ($30-40), cut some holes in it for ventilation which you can mount an exhaust fan into (use a hole saw) and line the inside with Mylar or panda film to reflect the light back onto the plants.

and yes, to repeat myself you'll need more light than that which came with your system, especially during the flowering stage.


Well-Known Member
LOL i'm a total noob too mate - i've just been reading on this forum for a couple of months now, learning as much as I can.

I tried a grow a couple of years ago, having no idea what I was doing. Needless to say the plants died within a couple of weeks.

I'm planning another grow very soon, but this time I have everything I need, including the knowledge on how to get them up and running.

Anyway, S/H = second can pick up a s/h closet for next to nothing and they make the perfect grow space once you've installed an exhaust fan for ventilation, cut a hole in the front for air to come in and lined it with mylar or panda film.