New grower tell me what you think lots of pics maybe strain ID?


Active Member
Well this is my first season growing after reading about every post on RIU and numerous websites and all sorts and i feel pretty confident in alot of my knowledge but obviously there is always still more to learn... anyways heres a bunch of pics of my plant through its stages let me know what you think and if anyone could maybe give me a positive ID on to what it is i got it from bag seed and supposidly purple kush but idk anyways here goes... ps this is all 1 plant the first 2 shots as you can see the soil was really tight and it stunted growth pretty harshly i transplanted into the ground and it grew like wildfire you can see the dates probably on the bottom of the pics thanks for your input.
Plant2 Stage1.jpgPlant 2 Stage1.jpgPlant2 Stage2 (2).jpgPlant2 Stage3#3.jpgFlower1.jpgPlant2 Stage3 #2.jpgFlower3.jpgFlower2.jpgPlant2 Stage3.jpgFlower6.jpgFlower4.jpgFlower7.jpgFlower5.jpgFlower8.jpgrecommendations on when to pick this bad boy and maybe a thought on how much i would get? its about 4 weeks into flower figure probably end of october if the wether permits ...


Well-Known Member
It does look like an indica dominant plant, no way to tell if its PK or not, but more than likely should be about another month I would dare to for yield I'll just make an uninformed estimation of about 4oz, but thats a pure guess, maybe reaching a bit, good thing is looks nice and healthy so well done my man...peace!


Active Member
its going into its 5th week of flowering i believe, and bluffin what gives it away that its indica dom?


Well-Known Member
it looks good, and theri is know way to tell you the strain its impossible if you dont know. the only thing that can be told is if it is a indica or sativa and from the looks of the plant it looks 50/50